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Finding Budget BalancesBack to top ^
InfoPorte: Ledger Rollup Tabs
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query

  • Query provides negative cash balances (by fund/source) within the restricted funds on campus. The query requires a fiscal year, accounting period and a MOU rollup dept.
Source: GL Actuals ledgers
  • The results help me to understand where I have negative cash balances that will need to be covered by other funds prior to year end.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query

  • Shows available balance, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and expense.
Source: Commitment Control ledgers
  • Monitor your available balance for State, F&A and Trust funds.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
This query has been removed effective August 13, 2018. Go to for more information about what report you can use in its place.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
This query has been removed effective August 13, 2018.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
This query has been removed effective August 13, 2018.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
This query has been removed effective August 13, 2018. Go to for more information about what report you can use in its place.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
This query has been removed effective August 13, 2018. Go to for more information about what report you can use in its place.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
  • Shows balances for FAMODET ledger group. Shows first two digits of department code.
Source: Commitment Control ledgers
  • Monitor your available balance for FAMODET funds.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
  • Shows balances for FAMODET ledger group. Shows first three digits of department code.
Source: Commitment Control ledgers
  • Monitor your available balance for FAMODET funds.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
  • Shows balances for FAMODET ledger group. Shows first four digits of department code.
Source: Commitment Control ledgers
  • Monitor your available balance for FAMODET funds.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Budget Balances Query
  • Shows balances for FAMODET ledger group displayed with full department code.
Source: Commitment Control ledgers
  • Monitor your available balance for FAMODET funds with view of full department codes.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Revenue & Expense Query
  • Shows revenue and expense activity YTD totals.
Source: GL Actuals ledger
  • Monitor revenue and expense activity for State, F&A, Trust, and OSR funds.
  • Note: For OSR, filter by Project ID.
ConnectCarolina RPT: Revenue & Expense Query
  • Shows the above with program and cost codes.
Source: GL Actuals ledger
  • Monitor revenue and expense activity by program and cost code for State, F&A, and Trust funds.
    Finding Fund Balances and Cash BalancesBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Fund Balance Query
    • Shows fund balance broken out by all chartfield strings – fund, source, department, and project.
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Look up a fund balance for Trust funds and some OSR funds (clinical trials and capitalized grants).
    • Not as helpful for State and F&A ledger groups because they don’t have beginning and ending fund balances.
    • Note: If the query returns multiple rows per source, you’ll need to sum the rows to get a total fund balance.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Fund Balance Query
    • Shows fund balance rolled up by department.
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Look up a fund balance for Trust funds.
    • Not as helpful for State and F&A ledger groups because they don’t have beginning and ending fund balances.
    • Note: If the query returns multiple rows per source, you’ll need to sum the rows to get a total fund balance.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Cash Balance Query
    • Shows cash balance broken out by all chartfield strings.
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Look up a cash balance for Trust funds and some OSR funds (clinical trials and capitalized grants).
    Note: If the query returns multiple rows per source, you need to sum the rows to get a total cash balance.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Cash Balance Query
    • Shows cash balance rolled up by department.
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Look up a cash balance for Trust funds.
    Note: If the query returns multiple rows per source, you need to sum the rows to get a total cash balance.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Trial Balance Query
    • Shows trial balance for all chartfield strings in search.
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Look up a trial balance for State, F&A, Trust and OSR funds.
    Note: For OSR, filter by Project ID.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Trial Balance Query
    • Shows trial balance by fund and source.
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Look up a trial balance for State, F&A, Trust and OSR funds.
    Note: For OSR, filter by Project ID.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Trial Balance Query
    • Shows trial balance for all chartfield strings in search for the School of Medicine (SOM).
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Look up a trial balance for State, F&A, Trust and OSR funds.
    Note: For OSR, filter by Project ID.
    Reconciling Back to top ^
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Source and Project Charges Query
    Identifies Trust and Trust_Rev balances that are on departments that are not within the Dept-ID attribute range.
    • Identify and review other departments using your sources and projects.
    Reviewing GrantsBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina: OSR GL Expense and Budget Report
    • NC_OSR_GL_P1

    • NC_OSR_GL_C1

    Finance Menu > Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Query Report Viewer
    • Shows expenses and budget balances for a grant based on expenses that have posted to the GL Actuals ledger.
    Source: GL Actuals ledger
    • Monitor your expenses and budget balances for grants.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: OSR Payments
    • Shows OSR deposits via direct journal. There is no associated invoice.
    • Manage payments for contracts and grants.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: OSR Payments
    • Shows invoice generated to sponsor and payment received.
    • Manage invoice and payments for contracts and grants.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: OSR Payments
    • Shows invoice generated to sponsor and payment not received.
    • Manage invoice and payments for contracts and grants.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: OSR Payments
    This query has been removed effective August 13, 2018. Go to for more information about what report you can use in its place.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: OSR Payments
    • Shows all OSR projects with chartfield strings and Commitment Control end date.
    • Note: The NC_KK_PROJECT_DATA in PRD contains the project end date.
    • Monitor OSR project data.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: OSR Payments
    • Identifies non-cost sharing OSR balances for projects that have a department that is outside the Grants Project-Department range.
    • Monitor OSR project data.
    Working with Edit ErrorsBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Edit Error Query
    • Shows purchase orders with edit errors such as combo edit errors.
    • Also shows purchase orders with match exceptions.
    • Identify purchase orders that are held up with errors so you can troubleshoot the problem.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Edit Error Query
    • Shows vouchers with edit errors such as combo edit errors.
    • Also shows vouchers with match exceptions.
    • Identify vouchers that are held up with errors so you can troubleshoot the problem.
    Note: For instructions on resolving voucher errors, see the Voucher Matching and Error Troubleshooting Query reference located here:
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Edit Error Query
    • Shows campus journals with edit errors such as combo edit errors.
    • Identify campus journals that are held up with errors so you can troubleshoot the problem.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Edit Error Query
    • Shows deposits with edit errors such as combo edit errors.
    • Identify deposits that are held up with errors so you can troubleshoot the problem.
    Working with Budget ErrorsBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Budget Error Query
    • Shows requisitions with a budget error
    • Identify requisitions with budget errors so you can resolve them.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Budget Error Query
    • Shows purchase orders with a budget error
    • Identify purchase orders with budget errors so you can resolve them.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Budget Error Query
    • Shows vouchers with a budget error
    • Identify vouchers with budget errors so you can resolve them.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Budget Error Query
    • Shows budget journals with a budget error
    • Identify budget journals with budget errors so you can resolve them.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Budget Error Query
    • Shows campus journals with a budget error
    • Identify campus journals with budget errors so you can resolve them.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Budget Error Query
    • Shows deposits with a budget error
    • Identify deposits with budget errors so you can resolve them.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Budget Error Query
    • Shows payroll lines with a budget error
    • Identify payroll lines with budget errors so you can resolve them.
    Working with Transactions in Unposted StatusBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Unposted Transactions Query
    • Shows vouchers that haven't posted yet.
    Important: Be sure to check for edit and budget errors first before running this query.
    • Identify transactions that haven't posted yet so you can check if there are problems that need resolving.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Unposted Transactions Query
    • Shows budget journals that haven't posted yet.
    Important: Be sure to check for edit and budget errors first before running this query.
    • Identify transactions that haven't posted yet so you can check if there are problems that need resolving.
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Unposted Transactions Query
    • Shows campus journals that haven't posted yet.
    Important: Be sure to check for edit and budget errors first before running this query.
    • Identify transactions that haven't posted yet so you can check if there are problems that need resolving.
    Working with All RequisitionsBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: All Requisitions Query
    • Shows all requisitions and their status, including their budget status.
    • Identify all requisitions with any issue holding up processing.
    Working with Approval WorklistsBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Approval Worklist Query
    • Shows requisitions that haven't been approved.
    Note: Approvers need to be logged in as themselves in order for this query to show results.
    • Manage your transaction approval flow
    • Identify backlog of transactions needing approval
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Approval Worklist Query
    • Shows campus vouchers that haven't been approved.
    Note: Approvers need to be logged in as themselves in order for this query to show results.
    • Manage your transaction approval flow
    • Identify backlog of transactions needing approval
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Approval Worklist Query
    • Shows campus journals that haven't been approved.
    Note: Approvers need to be logged in as themselves in order for this query to show results.
    • Manage your transaction approval flow
    • Identify backlog of transactions needing approval
    Working with Voucher PaymentsBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Voucher Not Paid Query
    • Shows vouchers that either have no lines paid, or only partial lines paid.

    Note: This query does not show chartfield information.
    • Manage accounts payable aging for State, F&A, Trust and OSR funds.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Voucher Not Paid Query
    • Shows vouchers that either have no lines paid, or only partial lines paid.

    Note: This query shows chartfield information.
    • Manage accounts payable aging for State, F&A, Trust and OSR funds.

    ConnectCarolina Query Viewer: Voucher Paid Query
    • Shows all vouchers that have been paid or partially paid.
    Note: If no lines on a voucher were paid, the voucher will not show in the query results. You need to use the Voucher Not Paid query above to see vouchers where no lines have been paid.

    Note: This query does not show chartfield information.
    • Review timeliness of payments to suppliers for State, F&A, Trust and OSR funds.
    ConnectCarolina RPT: Voucher Paid Query
    • Shows all vouchers that have been paid or partially paid.
    Note: If no lines on a voucher were paid, the voucher will not show in the query results. You need to use the Voucher Not Paid query above to see vouchers where no lines have been paid.

    Note: This query shows chartfield information.
    • Review timeliness of payments to suppliers for State, F&A, Trust and OSR funds.
    Working with DepositsBack to top ^
    ConnectCarolina RPT: AR Direct Journal Deposits
    • Shows direct journal deposits that have been manually entered into the system. The information is pulled by department and date.
    • Manage Direct Journal Deposits that have been entered for a specific department.
    Year End QueriesBack to top ^
    • Shows lines from Data Collect Batches.
    • You can select which lines you need to correct for year end. These are mostly interdepartmental billings.
    • Shows department mapping.
    • You can select lines you need to correct for year end. This is for correcting the Dept, Program, or Cost Code chartfields. Fund, Source, and Account should remain the same.
    • Shows lines from PCard transactions.
    • You can select which lines you need to correct for year end. The Account code should not be changed.
    • Shows lines from PO and Non-PO Vouchers.
    • You can select which lines you need to correct for year end. The Account code should not be changed. PO vouchers that are State waivered cannot be corrected through a Journal Import.
    • Shows trust fund cash balances.
    • You can select trust funds with cash deficits to correct.

    Key Terms

    Available Balance
    • Represents the budget amount available for a particular budget period.
    • Driven by budget checking.
    • Based on Commitment Control ledgers (state, F&A, trust, OSR)
    Fund Balance
    • Represents the total net worth of a fund
    • Represents total assets minus total liabilities.
    • Driven by the GL journal posting process.
    • Based on GL Actuals Ledger.
    Cash Balance
    • Represents a summary of all cash accounts.
    • Driven by the GL journal posting  process. Based on the GL Actuals Ledger.
    Commitment Control (KK)
    • UNC budgeting control ledgers(State, F&A, Trust, OSR, program & cost codes)
    GL Actuals
    • Actuals in UNC’s general ledger and official book of record



    Click to read General FAQs

    Q: Does the information in ConnectCarolina automatically update to InfoPorte?

    A:  Transactions entered in ConnectCarolina appear in InfoPorte the next day, not immediately. Some transactions — particularly payroll and some procurement transactions, such as canceling a purchase order — may not be available in InfoPorte until the following Monday (because they are processed over a weekend).

    Information about when the data was updated appears in the News section of the Portal page and is visible immediately after you login to ConnectCarolina.  If there is a delay with data updates, a message displays in the Daily Status section of the Portal page.

    Q: Is training offered for InfoPorte reporting

    A:  Yes, there are two classes: one on HR reports and one on Finance reports.  The training schedule includes upcoming dates and times for both the Financial Reporting for InfoPorte class and the HR/Payroll Reporting for InfoPorte class.  The schedule is located at > Training> Training Schedule.  Access to InfoPorte is a prerequisite for these classes.


    Click to read Business Manager FAQs

    Q: How can I determine my balance?

    A: Expenses never change, but sometimes it may seem like “the data doesn’t match.” Available budget balance will continue to change based on encumbrances, which are based on budget.  Your available budget balance will fluctuate throughout the month until the month is closed. You can use the InfoPorte Ledger Rollup Tabs to keep an eye on your available budget balance and spending during the month.  These tabs and other tools and their uses are described in the Finding Budget Balances section of the Financial Reporting Quick Reference Guide.

    A Budget Balances concepts document explains fluctuations of available budget balances in InfoPorte and the key related concepts.

    The Budgeting 101 document was recently updated and is an excellence source of budgeting overview info.

    Q: I want to see what transactions have not posted, are awaiting approval or are might be held up in processing.

    A: Check out the Working with Unposted Transactions section of the Financial Reporting Quick Reference Guide.  You can use the ConnectCarolina Query Viewer to run queries that will identify transactions that haven’t posted yet so you can check if there are problems that need resolving. The Approval Worklist Query identifies all requisitions with any issue holding up processing.


    Click to read PI FAQs

    Q: How can I see the remaining balance for my grant?

    A: The InfoPorte Grant Profile Tab can be used to review remaining balances and spot-check your grants’ remaining balances or grant end date. You can also view details for each project on the InfoPorte: Grant Details Tab.

    Paths for these reports and a catalogue of other grants-related reports can be found in the Reviewing Grants section of the Financial Reporting Quick Reference Guide. 


    Click to read Deans FAQs

    Q: I need to review an income statement for our department. How do I access it?

    A: The InfoPorte SAS Income Statement allows you or your business manager to produce an income statement for a fund or a department.  This report shows operating and non-operating expenses. This can be found in the Running Income Statement section of the Financial Reporting Quick Reference Guide.