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Work on turning off or transitioning legacy systems for HR/Payroll and Finance is drawing to a close. Work on legacy HR/Payroll systems concluded in December, and only a few details remain to be addressed for legacy Finance systems.

Last Friday the original versions of ePrint and Finan$eer were turned off. They were left up and running into January to ease the transition to the new versions. Two action items necessary for being able to shut down Finance Central were recently completed:

  • Fund authorities from FRS are now available in ConnectCarolina for those who have access to the Source Create option, and
  • Notes from FRS budget transactions were made available to the Budget Office as a report. If you need budget notes, contact the Budget Office.

FRS and legacy Payroll are still up and running but will be taken down when the mainframe computer is taken down, currently targeted for February 29, 2016. We’ll provide updates on the legacy data warehouses in a future update.

As work on this project is approaching the finish line, we want to send a big thank you to all of you who helped out by sending the team information about legacy systems, participating in testing, spreading the word about what was happening, and giving us feedback.

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