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Most appointees or candidates being considered for a UNC role go through a background check process before they start their new job or appointment. So, what goes on behind the background check curtain? Did you know that there are several types of background check packages with varying components based on the type of candidate or appointee and their role requirements? How do you know where the candidate or appointee is in the process?

As part of the Provost’s Operational Excellence initiative to improve the Hiring and Onboarding experience, the Background Check Office will soon be implementing a new way to request background checks, which will provide the following benefits:

  • Improved experience for candidates and appointees
  • Streamlined process for managing background checks within ConnectCarolina
  • Increased visibility into the progress of a background check
  • Fewer manual steps
  • Fewer unnecessary background checks and better match of background check packages to appointees and candidates

Look for more information about the new background check process in the coming months.

What’s the Difference? Appointee versus Candidate

The University background check policy covers paid as well as unpaid appointments. The term “candidate” refers to individuals who are being considered for a paid appointment, including permanent and temporary positions. The term “appointee” refers to individuals who are being considered for an unpaid appointment, including zero-salary adjunct Faculty (contingent workers), UNC independent contractors, unpaid interns, volunteers, visiting scholars, and other affiliate appointments that are covered by the protection of minors policy.

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