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In April’s edition of the ConnectCarolina newsletter, we promised you more information on 25Live, the new scheduling software replacing the current scheduling systems Ad Astra, and EMS. After our April publication, the 25Live project team received interest in and questions about 25Live, so we’re taking this opportunity to focus on a few key messages:

It Will Be Available to Everyone, but First…

To start out, 25Live is going to be used by two groups. The Carolina Union, and anyone currently using the instance of EMS supported by the Carolina Union, will start using 25Live later this summer. The University Registrar, and anyone else using Ad Astra to schedule classrooms, will start using 25Live in October.

25Live can be beneficial for other units too, but the project team wants to make sure the tool is stable before it’s available to other areas.  Once it’s been determined that 25Live is ready for other areas, an announcement will be made, so keep an eye out.

Scheduling not Registration

Another important point to know about 25Live is that it is a scheduling tool only, not a registration tool. This means you can use it to reserve a space for an event or class, but people won’t be able to register for that event using 25Live.

That’s all for now, but we’ll keep you in the loop as more information becomes available.

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