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Be on the lookout later this month for two new tiles on your Self Service home page. The HR eForms tile will appear for all active employees and the HR Approvals tile will appear for all active employees plus affiliates and contingent workers just in case they need to be part of an approval chain. Going forward, these tiles will be the home for some HR forms that are changing from paper to electronic versions. Moving the submission and approval process for HR forms online will save time, simplify the approval process and help managers, supervisors and central office staff stay on-top-of any approval actions that require their attention.

At first the only HR eForm you’ll see is the Telework Request Form, but we’re working with other groups on campus to identify HR forms that are good candidates to move to an online process. Teleworking is not a new concept at the University, but it’s one that is getting more attention as we navigate the work and life changes brought on by COVID-19. Streamlining the request process is just another way the University is working with employees to balance individual needs for flexible work arrangements with the broader needs of campus and the overall University mission.

Three significant changes to the current process for submitting a Telework Request Form are: 1) you don’t have to download and fill out a paper form, 2) you don’t have to email or walk the forms to each approver, and 3) some of the fields in the form are already filled for you. Here’s how the new process will work.

  1. As an employee, you’ll click the HR eForms tile and complete one online form. Information about you and your department is filled in automatically.
  2. When you submit the form, you’ll receive an email verifying the details of your submission. Your manager or supervisor also receives an email letting them know a form is waiting for their approval. When they log into ConnectCarolina they see a number on the HR Approvals tile to let them know an action is required.
  3. Your manager or supervisor can indicate on the form who the department head is and after the form is approved, it routes to that person. After the department head approves, the form routes to the HR Officer and then central HR. When the form receives its final approval, ConnectCarolina sends an email to you and your HR Rep letting them know whether the request was approved or denied.

Additional Notes:  At any point in the process you or an approver can print the form. Campus and central office will also have access to reports that show details of all Teleworking requests.

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