Email Communication
- Send Date: November 11, 2020
- From: Information Technology Services
- To: ServiceNow Fulfillers
On December 3rd, we will release a new Service Catalog. Kim Vassiliadis (Digital Services & User Experience) will present on these upcoming changes via a Zoom meeting on November 18 at 11AM. Please see the end of this message for the Zoom meeting details.
What we are doing:
- We created a public Service Catalog. You will no longer need to log in to see the services available within
- We updated the service category labels based on user feedback and testing.
- Service information lives in two separate locations, Service Catalog on the ITS website and We have migrated all ITS-related services to and will decommission the catalog information on the ITS website.
Why we are doing this:
- We learned from pre-ServiceNow focus groups and interviews that our users relied on Google (or comparable search engines) to search for IT-related assistance. They typically just tacked “unc” to the end of their search. When we moved to ServiceNow, you needed to log in to view the available services. Search engines could not index most of the content on, making most of our content invisible to users. By creating a public-facing catalog, our services will be indexable by search engines and enable greater visibility.
- By consolidating the information into one location, we can better manage the accuracy of this content and provide a single canonical source.
How it works:
- Each service will have its own public-facing information page listing pertinent information about the service. We organized these new information pages using the new categories.
- While the service information will be public and indexable by search engines, you will need to log in to submit a request. We have not changed the request process.
What about my Popular Items?
- If you frequently request the same catalog items, those services will appear on the new Service Catalog page when you authenticate.
What’s next?
We recognize that we haven’t perfected the Service Catalog. We will continue to iterate on these changes in future releases. Our mantra is progress, not perfection.
Join Zoom Meeting:
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Meeting ID: 995 1045 3618
View email in its original format: Portal Facelift Webinar Announcement