We’re about halfway through the 2020-2021 performance review period and we want to share a few tips for managers as you work through the performance reviews, development plans and goal setting for your EHRA non-faculty employees. Managers have already assigned over 21,000 goals to employees in Carolina Talent.
Quick Tips for Managers:
If your employee already signed their performance plan but you need to make a change, you can do that at any time .
- To make a change or track progress for a goal, follow this path: Performance > Goals.
- To make a change or track progress for a development plan, follow this path: Performance > Development Plans.
Your employee will receive an email notification anytime a change is made.
If you need to make a change to a performance plan you submitted before your employee signs it, you have a couple of options:
- Submit a help ticket to have the performance plan re-opened at help.unc.edu > search Carolina Talent > choose the Carolina Talent request, complete the fields, and submit your ticket.
- Wait for your employee to sign the plan and then make changes through the menu option (see tip number 1 for steps). Again, your employee will receive an email notification anytime a change has been made.
If you want to see the status of tasks for your team, you can run a report from the Carolina Talent menu by following this path: Reports > Standard Reports > Performance > Performance Review Step Status Report.
If you’re a manager, you can find manager-specific tools such as a quick-start guide and online training in Carolina Talent Learning Performance Resources for Managers.
If you’re an employee, you can find quick references and online training in the Performance Resources for Employees in Carolina Talent. Your HR representative is also a good resource for information on policy.
Need help? Office hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 11am from July 20 thru August 12. You can find the Zoom link on the Performance Home page in Carolina Talent.