Email Communication
- Send Date: May 9, 2022
- From: ConnectCarolina Finance Team
- To: BuyCarolina Users
Did you know: All shopping carts must transfer to ConnectCarolina, where the shopper can enter/modify CFS, Shipping Locations, Budget Check, and gather department approvals (when applicable). Once these are completed, a requisition is created, which generates a Purchase Order. The Purchase Order is sent to the supplier(s) to fulfill. The transfer happens seamlessly when the shopper has an active ConnectCarolina authentication and clicks the “Transfer Cart” button from the BuyCarolina shopping cart. If your order does not transfer to ConnectCarolina, the order has not been created or submitted to the supplier for fulfillment.
Shopping Best Practices
- Ensure you are logged into a newly authenticated session.
- Close all browser windows and log back into ConnectCarolina and BuyCarolina.
- ConnectCarolina sessions will expire after 60 minutes of inactivity.
A pop-up window is presented to stay connected. If no action is taken, the session is expired. BuyCarolina shopping carts will not transfer to ConnectCarolina, and the order is not placed.
Where can I find my requisition: You can check the status of all open requisitions by logging into “Manage Requisitions” within ConnectCarolina Home-> Finance Menu -> eProcurement -> Manage Requisitions. If a BuyCarolina transaction is not found in Manage Requisitions, the order was not completed and has not been sent to a supplier. If the order is still needed, a new order will need to be placed.
BuyCarolina Landing Page: Check out the Alerts Section for the latest known technical issues, status, and workaround(s) if available.
Order Status Inquiries Contact for further inquiries. Please provide your PO number and/or Requisition number found in Connect Carolina under Manager Requisitions for the order with the inquiry.
Thank you,
The ConnectCarolina Finance Team
Email in original format – links were active on send date.