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Employees in certain SHRA Auditing, Business and Finance (ABF) Professional positions will be offered the opportunity to change employment status from SHRA to EHRA Non-Faculty (EHRA-NF) in spring 2023.

To be eligible for this new EHRA-NF classification, the ABF Professional position must be both exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and have at least one-third of their job duties reflected as professional accounting duties.

As of Sept. 1, 2022, all newly created or vacated  FLSA-exempt positions that meet the new EHRA-NF ABF job classification criteria must be EHRA Non-Faculty, and may no longer be filled as SHRA positions. Any positions already posted and under recruitment as of this date may continue to be filled as SHRA.

EHRA ABF Professional job classifications will become part of the EHRA Non-Faculty Instructional, Research and Information Technology (IRIT) category and will be subject to all University policies and procedures applicable to this category of employees.

For more information, visit the EHRA Conversion for Auditing, Business, and Finance (ABF) Professionals webpage of the HR at UNC website.

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