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Faculty-student communication is key to an undergraduate’s success. One communication tool faculty can use is the Academic Progress Report (APR) system in ConnectCarolina. Recent system enhancements give instructors more opportunities to provide feedback to students on their performance. Newly available this Spring, instructors can provide report comments for students multiple times between the second and eleventh week of the Fall and Spring semesters. Previously, instructors could submit feedback once per student each semester. APRs are visible to students and to student support staff. The primary goals of APRs are to: provide feedback to students who are performing well and to students who may benefit from additional support. refer students to essential campus resources provide academic advisors and student support staff with actionable data so they can reach out to students sooner, improve support services, and reinforce positive feedback. The APR process starts when the instructor enters an APR in ConnectCarolina. This causes several things to happen, all designed to encourage the student to take action and help staff provide the best possible support: When an instructor submits an APR for a student, the system sends them an email the next day. Each APR comment is added to ConnectCarolina Advisor Notes where academic advisors can read them. Reports are also shared with other campus partners who collaborate to provide coordinated student support including reaching out to students and/or referring students to resources and services on campus. Instructors can submit two progress … Read more
Faculty-student communication is key to an undergraduate’s success. One communication tool faculty can use is the Academic Progress Report (APR) system in ConnectCarolina. Recent system enhancements give instructors more opportunities to provide feedback to students on their performance. Newly available this Spring, instructors can provide report comments for students multiple times between the second and eleventh week of the Fall and Spring semesters. Previously, instructors could submit feedback once per student each semester. APRs are visible to students and to student support staff. The primary goals of APRs are to: provide feedback to students who are performing well and to students who may benefit from additional support. refer students to essential campus resources provide academic advisors and student support staff with actionable data so they can reach out to students sooner, improve support services, and reinforce positive feedback. The APR process starts when the instructor enters an APR in ConnectCarolina. This causes several things to happen, all designed to encourage the student to take action and help staff provide the best possible support: When an instructor submits an APR for a student, the system sends them an email the next day. Each APR comment is added to ConnectCarolina Advisor Notes where academic advisors can read them. Reports are also shared with other campus partners who collaborate to provide coordinated student support including reaching out to … Read more
Starting a new position is stressful and learning a new system at the same time can be all the more overwhelming. Join Cortney Alston of UNC-Chapel Hill’s Finance & Operations team as she provides insight on how to get the most out of onboarding new employees to PeopleSoft. New employee orientation often includes training on the organization’s policies and procedures as well as PeopleSoft. This session describes how the Finance & Operations team leverages best practices and current trends to increase engagement, retention, and improvement of PeopleSoft orientation training for staff in new Finance roles. To just view the slides from this presentation, click here.
Starting a new position is stressful and learning a new system at the same time can be all the more overwhelming. Join Cortney Alston of UNC-Chapel Hill’s Finance & Operations team as she provides insight on how to get the most out of onboarding new employees to PeopleSoft. New employee orientation often includes training on the organization’s policies and procedures as well as PeopleSoft. This session describes how the Finance & Operations team leverages best practices and current trends to increase engagement, retention, and improvement of PeopleSoft orientation training for staff in new Finance roles. To view the live recording of this presentation, click here.
This guide provides detailed information on being an Access Request Coordinator (ARC). ARCs enter requests for access to ConnectCarolina and some companion systems such as Web Travel and PeopleAdmin. The guide includes step-by-step instructions for: entering and submitting access requests, retracting and deleting requests. sharing a request. working with file attachments in the access requests. generating reports on access requests. checking the status of a request.
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This Quick Reference Card provides instructions for accessing PO invoices in ConnectCarolina in order to view or print as needed.
Form that must be completed and sent to prior to changing the Account number on an Accounts Payable voucher that has already posted to the general ledger.
This quick reference guide lists account codes for budgeting on State child accounts.
This spreadsheet shows how object codes from the legacy system mapped to the ConnectCarolina account codes. The spreadsheet has three tabs: UNCCH Accounts, which lists the general ledger accounts that were loaded into ConnectCarolina for UNC-Chapel Hill. UNCGA Account, which lists all the general ledger accounts that were loaded into ConnectCarolina for UNC General Administration. All FRS Object Codes, which lists every object code and the ConnectCarolina account it mapped to. .
To: University Business Managers Research Administration Support Group (RASG) MOU Financial Leads Accounting personnel who use InfoPorte From: Walter Miller, Interim Payroll Director Subject: Accurate Salary Projections in InfoPorte As of May 12, you can expect salary and fringe benefit projections to be more accurate in InfoPorte. The long-awaited changes that will be put in place on Friday complete a series of changes and fixes that have been implemented over the last few weeks. The biggest improvements you’ll notice are: Contract and grant (OSR) fund projections will be calculated with Project ID budget end dates in mind. The projections will be updated every weeknight (except holidays). For example, if you use a Fund Swap ePAR form to move an employee’s funding to a different grant, the projection for the employee will be updated the night the ePAR executes (when it is fully approved). The system will factor in the caps for Social Security and retirement when calculating projections for highly-compensated employees. Projections will take into account Job End dates As in the past, the system calculates projected fringe benefits and taxes based on each person’s employee group (such as EHRA Non-Faculty or SHRA Permanent) and the type of funding … Read more
Email Communication Send Date: September 27, 2020 From: Information Technology Services & The Office of the University Registrar To: Employees with current access to schedule classes in Ad Astra Subject: Ad Astra to 25Live Information You are receiving this message sent on behalf of The Office of the University Registrar and Information Technology Services because you currently have access to schedule classes in Ad Astra. Hello, We are implementing a new classroom scheduling tool called 25Live that will replace Ad Astra. 25Live will be available on Monday, November 2. We want to share some important dates and information about training with you regarding this change. Important Dates This means that you will still be able to work in Ad Astra for Summer Sessions I and II, but all work needs to be completed in Ad Astra by October 29. Since the Registrar’s Scheduling Team will be optimizing in 25Live for Summer 2021 Sessions I and II, you will only be able to make your room assignments (not room preferences). 25Live Training Training is required to use 25Live and you must complete the training before your access is turned on. Multiple training sessions will be offered the last two weeks of … Read more
Email Communication Send Date: September 16, 2020 From: Information Technology Services To: 25Live Transition Team Subject: Ad Astra to 25Live Information You are receiving this message sent on behalf of The Office of the University Registrar and Information Technology Services because you currently have access to schedule classes in Ad Astra. Hello, We are implementing a new classroom scheduling tool called 25Live that will replace Ad Astra. 25Live will be available on Monday, November 2. We want to share some important dates and information about training with you regarding this change. Important Dates This means that you will still be able to work in Ad Astra for Summer Sessions I and II, but all work needs to be completed in Ad Astra by October 29. Since the Registrar’s Scheduling Team will be optimizing in 25Live for Summer 2021 Sessions I and II, you will only be able to make your room assignments (not room preferences). 25Live Training Training is required to use 25Live and you must complete the training before your access is turned on. Multiple training sessions will be offered the last two weeks of October. You only need to attend one session via Zoom. Be on … Read more
When purchasing a piece of equipment that is greater than $ 5,000, you must include asset management information in the purchase requisition for the piece of equipment and any associated coasts, including freight charges, discounts, trade-in values, and installation fees. This quick reference card lists the steps to add asset management information.
Email Communication Send Date: January 16,2020 From: ConnectCarolina Communications To: Those with access to Campus Supplier’s page Subject: Additional Document Type for Suppliers Hello, You are receiving this email because you have access to the Campus Suppliers page in ConnectCarolina. Additional ImageNow document types are being added for Suppliers. These new document types will allow additional clarification of documents. The document types will be visible in campus supplier where documents are uploaded. The new document types are listed below: FIN – Supplier Application Form (formerly the vendor master file record, AKA HUB form) FIN – HUB or Government Certification (load forms provided by supplier for specific certification types, such as Veterans, Women-owned Businesses) FIN – Direct Deposit Authorization Form FIN – NC Sec of State Cert of Authority (not a current requirement) The new document types will be available on Friday, January 17, 2020. Thank you, The ConnectCarolina Team View the email in its original format: Additional Document Type for Suppliers
Email Communication sent on February 8, 2023Add New From: ConnectCarolina Finance Team You are receiving this email because you work in BuyCarolina Procurement Services is pleased to announce an additional vendor to the BuyCarolina Marketplace for orders up to $25,000. Available for purchasing Friday February 10, 2023 Promega (Medical & Lab Supplies) Promega will be added as a vendor with their punch-out under “Additional Stores” and will not be available through OpenBuy. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Sofo at Thank you, The ConnectCarolina Finance Team
Email Communication sent on 2/28/2023 From: ConnectCarolina Finance You are receiving this email because you work in BuyCarolina Procurement Services is pleased to announce an additional vendor to the BuyCarolina Marketplace for orders up to $25,000. Available for purchasing Wednesday, March 1, 2023 New England BioLabs (Medical & Lab Supplies) New England BioLabs (NEB) will be added as a vendor with their punch-out under “Additional Stores” and will not be available through OpenBuy. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Sofo at Thank you, The ConnectCarolina Finance Team
Email Communication Send Date: 3/25, 2022 From: ConnectCarolina Finance To: BuyCarolina Users Subject: Additional Vendors to BuyCarolina MarketPlace Procurement Services is pleased to announce four additional vendors to the BuyCarolina Marketplace for orders up to $5000. Available for purchasing Friday March 25, 2022 Illumina (Medical & Lab Supplies) Cell Signaling (Medical & Lab Supplies) Abcam (Medical & Lab Supplies) Available for purchasing Monday March 28, 2022 Lowe’s (MRO Supplies) Only Cell Signaling will utilize OpenBuy (Search Box); the rest will be added as vendors with their punch-out under “Additional Stores.” If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Sofo at Thank you, The ConnectCarolina Finance Team Click to view this email in it’s original format
This self-paced course explains when to use PAAT and the difference between a PAAT adjustment and a Funding Swap ePAR. It also covers the steps you’ll need to take to create, manage and submit a PAAT adjustment.
This Quick Reference Card provides instructions for changing or canceling an existing receipt for goods or services that have not yet been invoiced on a Purchase Order.
The Affiliates Report shows information on all active affiliates or affiliates who were terminated within the last year
Information on the new Affiliates Report in Infoporte
Do you remember accepting the Terms of Use agreement when you first received access to work in ConnectCarolina, InfoPorte or Tarheel Reports? It may be a long time since you checked that box, and yet, the Terms of Use should be foremost in your mind every time you log into an administrative system. That’s why, beginning February 15, 2022, you’ll have to agree to the Terms of Use annually. This means that managers who need to enter performance ratings, staff who need to purchase through BuyCarolina or submit HR actions, faculty members who need to enter grades — everyone who has access to more than just the Self Service options must agree to the Terms of Use policy. You don’t have to complete the Terms of Use Agreement if you only use ConnectCarolina Self Service to get information or transact business about you. (e.g., reviewing your paystub, student registration, seeing or modifying your UNC Directory entry, etc.) Two Important Dates Beginning January 28, if you haven’t accepted the Terms of Use within the past year, you’ll see a banner message in ConnectCarolina that reminds you to accept the Terms of Use. Once you agree to the Terms of Use, the message … Read more
This Quick Reference provides instructions for processing airgas cylinder returns in ConnectCarolina.
Email Communication Send Date: June 30, 2020 From: ConnectCarolina Communications To: Employees with access to enter budget transfers and budget journals in ConnectCarolina. Subject: Changes to the Business Process for Future Dated Budget Journals and Transfers Note: You’re receiving this message because you have access to enter budget transfers and budget journals in ConnectCarolina. From: Henry Price, Budget Planning & Analysis and The ConnectCarolina Team Effective July 1, 2020, we’re changing the business process if you need to update two budget periods (current and future). You’ll need to submit two budget journals so that the budget period and the fiscal year are the same. Starting July 1, you’ll begin the process by creating a budget journal for the current budget period and submitting it. Once submitted, create a new journal, change the date on it to 7/1 of the future budget period, and then submit it. Note: Budgets that were entered for Budget Period 2021 in Fiscal Year 2020 will be reversed and re-entered to the appropriate fiscal year as part of this go-live. You’ll be able to recognize these budget journals by a mask of FYBP on the Journal ID. Resources. A Quick Reference Slide Deck to walk you through how the new process works is available and posted on We’re … Read more
ePro Users: Are you registered for Amazon Business in ConnectCarolina? If you haven’t yet registered or you’re already registered but still have questions about ordering, payments or buying policies, check out the updated Amazon Business FAQ guide. The folks at the Business Systems Help Desk recommend that you refer to the guide for instructions on how to register and place orders according to requirements established for the UNC-Chapel Hill Amazon Business account. If you still have questions after reading the Amazon Business FAQ guide, give the Business Systems Help Desk a call at 919-962-HELP, option 2 or send them a help request at
“If I attend UNC, what Financial Aid package will I receive?” It’s a question that’s always remained unanswered for students and their families for a week, month or more after they receive their admission offer. That’s about to change thanks to a process improvement project led by The Office of Scholarships and Student Aid in collaboration with ITS Enterprise Applications. One of the primary objectives of the project is to make financial aid package information available to prospective students at the same time as they are offered admission. An equally important objective is to automate the processes for packaging financial aid as much as possible. Getting information to prospective students earlier, combined with automating routine work, will give the Enrollment and Scholarships and Student Aid staff more time to focus on their core mission: to help advise students and families so they can have a full Carolina experience and successfully complete graduation. The significant benefits of this project for the University were noted by Rachelle Feldman, Interim Vice Provost of Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions and Associate Provost for Scholarships and Student Aid: “I think this will be one of the most important and transformative technology projects, affecting students and student aid, that we … Read more
“If I attend UNC, what Financial Aid package will I receive?” It’s a question that’s always remained unanswered for students and their families for a week, month or more after they receive their admission offer. That’s about to change thanks to a process improvement project led by The Office of Scholarships and Student Aid in collaboration with ITS Enterprise Applications. One of the primary objectives of the project is to make financial aid package information available to prospective students at the same time as they are offered admission. An equally important objective is to automate the processes for packaging financial aid as much as possible. Getting information for prospective students earlier, combined with automating routine work, will give the Enrollment and Scholarships and Student Aid staff more time to focus on their core mission: to help advise students and families so they can have a full Carolina experience and successfully complete graduation. The significant benefits of this project for the University were noted by Rachelle Feldman, Interim Vice Provost of Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions and Associate Provost for Scholarships and Student Aid: “I think this will be one of the most important and transformative technology projects, affecting students and student … Read more
New pages on now bring together, in one place, all the resources that are useful for a particular part of ConnectCarolina. Do you use ePro or make other types of purchases? There’s a page for you. Are you an HR representative? There’s a page for you too. You submit HR actions for students? Check. Make deposits? Check. On ccinfo, click the HR & Payroll or Finance menu to see all of the new pages. Who knows, you may come across a quick start guide or online training session you never knew about.
Can I swap this class to meet that requirement?” is an all too familiar request from students and, because Carolina has rich and diverse academic offerings, departments occasionally allow students to substitute courses for specific major requirements. In the past, processing “adjustments” meant additional steps for the directors of undergraduate studies. Adjustments were made by completing an online form in SharePoint, which was then manually processed by a team member in the Office of the University Registrar. Once processed, the change was reflected in the Academic Advisement record (The Tar Heel Tracker) and visible to the student. This manual process was both cumbersome and time-consuming, and we wanted to find a more efficient way to make the experience better for our faculty colleagues and our students. As it turns out, we were not the only university grappling with this issue and seeking a more student-centric option. Finding a simpler way to make requirement adjustments seemed a long way off until a strong collaboration between ITS and the Office of the University Registrar, along with some advice from colleagues at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) made this goal achievable. Enter the ConnectCarolina Student Administration team, led by Candy Davies, Director … Read more