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“Can I swap this class to meet that requirement?” is an all too familiar request from students and, because Carolina has rich and diverse academic offerings, departments occasionally allow students to substitute courses for specific major requirements. In the past, processing “adjustments” meant additional steps for the directors of undergraduate studies. Adjustments were made by completing an online form As it turns out, we were not the only university grappling with this issue and seeking a more student-centric option. Finding a simpler way to make requirement adjustments seemed a long way off until a strong collaboration between ITS and the Office of the University Registrar, along with some advice from colleagues at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) made this goal achievable. Enter the ConnectCarolina Student Administration team, led by Candy Davies, Director of ConnectCarolina Campus Solutions, with Kim Jackson, Lead Applications Developer and Yaping Du, Senior Applications Developer. They successfully applied the UCSC modification to the Tar Heel Tracker, creating our new self-service adjustment system called the Requirement Adjustment Module (RAM) RAM bypasses the SharePoint online form and allows academic departments to complete course adjustments directly in Tar Heel Tracker. The adjustments are completed in real-time, which means directors of undergraduate … Read more
Email Communication Send Date: January 19, 2022 From: ConnectCarolina Communications To: Faculty and Staff Who Use ConnectCarolina, InfoPorte or TarHeel Reports to do their work. Subject: Annual Terms of Use for Administrative Systems You are receiving this message because you have access to an administrative, reporting or faculty role in ConnectCarolina, InfoPorte or Tarheel Reports. Terms of Use for Administrative Systems Do you remember agreeing to the Terms of Use agreement? Currently all faculty and staff who use ConnectCarolina, InfoPorte or Tarheel Reports to do any part of their work agree to it when they first receive system access. Starting in February 2022, you will need to accept Terms of Use annually. Reviewing and accepting Terms of Use is required for anyone who: has an administrative, reporting or faculty role in the system (that is, more access than the self-service options like displaying a pay stub, signing up for a class) and hasn’t agreed to the Terms of Use in the past year. WHY? The policy explains your responsibility for using the systems appropriately to ensure proper protection and use of all information stored within the systems. Requiring review of the policy annually is to serve as reminder of your responsibilities and … Read more
This self-paced course describes the information to review when approving a budget transaction and how to make an approval action.
This self-paced course explains who can approve campus journals, how to navigate to the campus journal approval page, and what information to review when approving campus journals.
This self-paced course covers the uses of campus vouchers, the different approval levels and the requirements for each approval level.
This self-paced course covers the request and approval process for new chartfield values.
A quick guide about approving Finance transactions, which transactions require approval, the approval workflow, and more.
This self-paced course explains how to view a financial transaction that needs approval, the differences between an approver and a reviewer and the actions that an approver can take.
This PowerPoint presentation accompanied the “Approving Financial Transactions” live demo. This presentation was intended for those who approve financial transactions in ConnectCarolina,including approving journal entries, purchase reqs, budget journals, deposits, independent contractor and vendor requests, and campus vouchers. This approval process is not used for Web Travel requests, which use the FRED approval system.
This self-paced course explains how an individual qualifies as an independent contractor, the approval levels and the requirements to approve or deny an independent contractor in the predetermination process.
This self-paced course covers how approvers can use the P-Card system to modify existing line level detail and charge a transaction to a different chartfield string besides the card’s default string. It also covers how to approve, reject and save transactions.
This self-paced course explains the information you need to review when approving a PAAT adjustment. It also covers the step-by-step instructions to Approve or Recycle an adjustment and the approval route an adjustment follows.
This self-paced course describes the information to review when approving a vendor catalog requisition and a non-vendor catalog requisition.
The fiscal year ends on June 30, 2018 and many around campus have been preparing for upcoming deadlines by closing out transactions, processing requisitions and vouchers and more.
The fiscal year ends on June 30, 2018 and many around campus have been preparing for upcoming deadlines by closing out transactions, processing requisitions and vouchers and more. Remember that there is not one month-end close date for June. It’s actually a series of month-and year-end close dates for different transactions. Vouchers & Journal Entries If you create vouchers and journal entries, June 15th and 22nd are important dates. Make sure that your vouchers and journal entries are error free and fully approved so that they aren’t deleted. All voucher entry (and requisitions and POs) need to be complete by 5 p.m., June 15. Journal entries not approved by departments and the Office of Sponsored Research (when applicable) by the June 22 deadline will be deleted. Find more information by looking at the checklists and reference guides on preparing for the year-end process on the Month-End and Year-End Resources page of ccinfo. Check Out These Checklists Fiscal Year-End Closing Dates and Procedures FYE 2018 Task Checklist for Campus Checklist to Clean Up Requisitions and Vouchers for Month-End and Year-End
This webinar teaches how associated budgets work, when it applies, and how it affects your available balance.
Slides to accompany the Associated Budgets webinar.
ho: Any administrative user who has the need to upload attachments in their work. What: The Document Management team will review some ‘tips and tricks’ that may be helpful in determining what scanner settings to use when creating documents (if you are scanning). We will look at which settings ensure the document is optimized in size and visual clarity. Will also show the same documents, scanned with different settings to demonstrate the options and implications of what might be used. This session should be beneficial regardless of which system you use!
Email Communication Send Date: August 16, 2021 From: UNC Human Resources To: ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll Users Subject: News Click to view ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll Update – August 2021 The links in this email were active on the send date. Topics Full Position Management New HR/Payroll Dashboard Reports Hire ePAR and Reports To Employees Working Outside NC: Notice of Employee Working Outside NC Hire ePAR for EHRA: Is this the employee’s primary job? Reminders Student Processing Tips and Reminders Important Payroll Reminders
Recording of training delivered by the HRIM Business Analysts and Background Check Unit Director detailing the changes to background check process for campus originators. The training was recorded on 4/28/2021.
Most appointees or candidates being considered for a UNC role go through a background check process before they start their new job or appointment. So, what goes on behind the background check curtain? Did you know that there are several types of background check packages with varying components based on the type of candidate or appointee and their role requirements? How do you know where the candidate or appointee is in the process? As part of the Provost’s Operational Excellence initiative to improve the Hiring and Onboarding experience, the Background Check Office will soon be implementing a new way to request background checks, which will provide the following benefits: Improved experience for candidates and appointees Streamlined process for managing background checks within ConnectCarolina Increased visibility into the progress of a background check Fewer manual steps Fewer unnecessary background checks and better match of background check packages to appointees and candidates Look for more information about the new background check process in the coming months. What’s the Difference? Appointee versus Candidate The University background check policy covers paid as well as unpaid appointments. The term “candidate” refers to individuals who are being considered for a paid appointment, including permanent and temporary positions. The term “appointee” refers to individuals who … Read more
This PowerPoint Presentation accompanies the Banking class. This course covers bank reconciliation, bank transfers, wire transfers, and memo bank balancing.
This Computer-Based Training describes how to fund appointments and positions, make changes to the sources their funding comes from, and resolve errors that can occur when submitting changes to funding.
This Computer-Based Training course describes the uses of a funding swap and explains how to use the funding swap ePAR form to change how a position or appointment is funded, and how to use the funding swap ePAR form to enter retroactive funding swaps.
This Computer-Based Training course explains what an affiliate is and how to complete the Add or Update an Affiliate ePAR form. It also explains the process for requesting a PID for an affiliate and how to use the affiliate ePAR form to add or update affiliates.
This Computer-Based Training course covers the definition and uses of lump sum payments. It also describes the type of information needed to enter and fund a lump sum payment.
Did you know that any time we make changes to ConnectCarolina, we go through multiple rounds of testing with groups all across campus? This Finance upgrade is no different. Testing started in July and is continuing through the end of this month. More than 100 people tested over 5 months. The first testers were staff in ITS-Enterprise Applications. They test to identify bugs and make note of any changes to how the system works or looks. Robin Burke, Business Systems Manager, noticed a new feature, the ability to copy budget transfers, while she was testing and thinks that “campus is really going to like this feature. They’ve been asking for this for a while since they can already copy budget journals.” The second group of testers came from the Finance Central Administrative Offices and the Office of Sponsored Research. They tested to ensure the work they do every day such as entering and approving transactions, running queries, and making sure that the information was recorded correctly in ConnectCarolina and InfoPorte is working properly. Testers from campus schools and divisions participated too. Finance Liaisons, staff nominated by campus finance leads, were up next. By this time, most of the bugs had been worked out, but having the people who … Read more
A few weeks ago, over 6,000 seniors turned their tassels and officially became Carolina Alumni. Graduation evokes memories of long nights studying for final exams and grading papers, family celebrations, and of course, cueing the Pomp and Circumstance. However, the campus and central offices work months in advance to support many aspects of graduation.
It’s only been three months, but the start of the Fall 2020 semester seems like light years ago. The priority, then and now, is to maximize a safe and healthy environment for us to teach, work, learn and live in. Although the decision was made to move learning off-campus early in the Fall semester, the foundation was laid in ConnectCarolina to help staff manage information about COVID-related changes to the academic calendar, class schedules, course details and more. Last summer, the ConnectCarolina Student Administration team, led by Maribel Carrion, rose to meet the challenge of collecting, coding and providing updated information to students, faculty and staff as conditions changed. That included: a compressed academic calendar, longer instructional days to allow extra time for students to travel between on-campus classes, reassigning classrooms to meet COVID-19 capacity recommendations, and the addition of new ways for faculty to deliver instruction. ConnectCarolina, as the system of record for the University, is the place where all this updated information resides. Did you know that moving the Fall 2021 term start date from August 18 to August 10 led to nearly 11,000 updates to the start dates of classes? It also meant making more than 40,000 updates to student records, because each class they registered for had to be updated with the date changes and each time the mode of instruction changed. The team is now building on that foundation to prepare for Spring 2021 registration and the start of the semester. Here’s a behind-the-scenes peek at what the Student … Read more
Remember to log in to ConnectCarolina between November 2 and November 19 to make your benefits selections. Two things to keep in mind: 1) If you take no action and are currently enrolled in an 80/20 medical plan, you will default into the 70/30 plan and won’t get the smoking attestation discount. 2) You need to choose your flexible spending account elections (Health Care Flexible Spending Account or Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account) each year. Self Service > My Benefits > Benefits Enrollment