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Changes related to full position management and online SHRA position descriptions are going live.  Starting Monday, October 11, all jobs will have a position.

Cutover weekend

In preparation for go live, the HR/Payroll system will be down starting this Thursday, October 7 at 5:00 pm and will be back up on Monday, October 11 by 8:00 am. For more information about the outage and a list of affected systems, visit the ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll Outage page.  

More Important Items

  • There will be a pause on auto terms from October 1- October 18. If you have someone who stopped working prior to their expected end date, then you’ll need to terminate them.  Those not manually terminated will be included in the auto-term process when it resumes on October 19th. 
  • All ePARs except for lump sums that are not fully executed on October 8 will be denied. 
  • Since the Hire ePAR will be unavailable, the information will not feed to LawLogix from ​October 8-10. You’ll need to manually hire or rehire employees in LawLogix.  You can complete the I-9 as usual. 

Changes to note after go live

There are a lot of changes happening around full position management, but here are a few that require your special attention.

  • A position must exist before the hire action can be done. 
  • When doing funding swaps, be sure to choose “Position” in the Budget Level field. 
  • For HR reps, SHRA position descriptions go on the Add/Update Position ePar.  

How do I get more information?

There are multiple resources available for you to learn more about the changes and ask questions.

  • To find resources like details about the changes, quick reference cards, videos, and more, visit the Full Position Management webpage.
  • If you missed the HR User group meeting on September 29, you can find the recoding and slides on
  • If you need help or have any questions, stop by the full position management office hours October 12 through 26. Experts will be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2pm via Zoom. Click here to join a session.
  • You can submit a help ticket at