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Scheduled ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll an Outage, Friday, October 7, 5:00 p.m.. until Monday, October 11, 8:00 a.m.. 

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please review the information below to see what services are impacted.

These additional systems are not available during this outage:

  • Affiliate Request
  • PID Create
  • PID Inquiry
  • Friday Center Applications (CPPSReg, PDEPReg, CEU, FCCPS)

TIM and Viewing Paychecks

  • Faculty, staff and student employees will not be able to use the Self-Service functions such as View Paycheck during the outage.
  • The TIM system will be available, but you will not be able to access it using the link in ConnectCarolina. If you need to use TIM during the outage, go to
  • W-2 forms cannot be accessed during the outage.

Benefits Information is Available  

  • You can still view your benefit information. When you attempt to sign in to ConnectCarolina, the system will show you a message with an alternate link to access the BenefitFocus  website.

PeopleAdmin and LawLogix

  • Companion systems such as PeopleAdmin and LawLogix are available, but they are not able to pull information from or send information to ConnectCarolina during the outage.

Other Systems Affected by a HR/Payroll Service Disruption


Click on the buttons below for detailed information on systems impacted.

  • InfoPorte and SAS Visual Analytics reports include data current as of [DATE].
  • The ConnectCarolina reporting instance (accessed using the Ad Hoc Reporting (RPT) menu option) is [will not be] available.

No Impact

  No Impact

No Impact

Administrative Services Supported by ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll

If HR/Payroll experiences a service disruption, there may be widespread impact on other systems and functionality inside and outside of ConnectCarolina.   Rich Arnold and Kristine Williams are the Enterprise Applications Lead Contacts for ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll functionality.

System / Functionality
Employee Information
Position Creation and Management
Job Creation and Management
Faculty Appointments
Recruitment and Onboarding
Payroll and Benefits funding and adjustments
Affiliates Creation and Management
Payroll Tax Management and Reporting
Management Reporting (i.e., headcount, salaries, etc.)
Compliance Reporting (i.e., Affordable Care Act, etc.)
Performance Management records
Training Management records
Ensuring Compliance with General Administration requirements
General Administration HR Datamart
Maintaining compliance with Federal, State and other Regulatory Requirements

Castle Branch

For Questions or Problems

Contact the Service Desk at 919-962-HELP or  Outage notifications will be posted on the ConnectCarolina landing page (the page you see when you go to and on the home page of ConnectCarolina