Transactions Report does not include Requisition ID information in Ref 2 field.cing intermittent issues in WebTravel.
Resolved? :
Date Posted:
August 10, 2018
Symptoms and Steps:
When a PO is rolled over from the previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year, Procurement Services creates a new distribution line on the PO to carry over the balance and chartfield information. The requisition ID does not carry forward, so there is no requisition ID to show in the Reference 2 field on the Transactions Tab in InfoPorte. That means that the Reference 2 field is blank for POs that have been rolled over from the previous year.
This may be a little confusing but is actually not an issue (it’s how the system works). If you need the original Requisition information, you can locate it via the PO Number within ConnectCarolina. For more information visit the following link: