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PaymentWorks Single Sign-on Error – “you’re attempting to authenticate via Single Sign-On Using credentials that are already being used for a registered account.”



To submit a Help Ticket with PaymentWorks Support:


Click on the link in the error message.


Click on Contact Support


Fill in the Form (using the info and description below):

Your Name: First and Last Name

Your Email:  This should be your UNC email address

User Type:  Payer

Problem Type:  Log-in/SSO

Payer Name:  The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Subject:  Cannot authenticate via SSO


I receive this error message when trying to login to PaymentWorks.:

Single Sign-On Authentication Failure – credentials are already being used for a registered account.


Click Next.  Record the support Ticket Number.


Click Next.   You will receive an email from PaymentWorks that they have received your ticket.


Note: You may receive an email from PaymentWorks asking you to update the email address on your account to a personal email address or a different work email address.

Sample email from PaymentWorks


If you do not want to do that, you should “Reply All” to the email and ask them to deactivate your account.

Sample response back to PaymentWorks