Resource Category: Finance
These are the slides to webinar that explains the supplier portal pilot that begins March 9, 2020.
This webinar explains the supplier portal pilot that begins March 9, 2020.
This quick reference card explains how to split your paycheck between multiple accounts.
This quick reference card explains how to set up your direct deposit accounts for your paycheck.
This webinar explains the changes to Campus Vouchers effective 2/21/20 to prepare for the Supplier Portal.
A quick reference card showing how to create a campus voucher to pay an individual with a PID.
This webinar gives an overview of the new Independent Contractor Speaker form that can be used when you need to pay a one-day speaker whose fee is $5,000 or less.
These slides accompany the Requesting Suppliers and Independent Contractors training.
These slides accompany the Purchase Requisitions and Receiving training.
These slides accompany the Creating Campus Vouchers training.