Resource Category: Finance
Campus billing areas, like Student Stores, EHS, Friday Center and the Carolina Inn, use the Customer Billing Management (CBM) system to charge campus customers, and the campus financial staff use CBM to review those charges. Come to this session to ask a panel questions about CBM, Bill Presentation, or about billing processes to include enhancement recommendations or how-to questions. Representatives from ITS-Enterprise Applications and Finance & Operation Service Center of Excellence are participating. To view the live recording of this presentation, click here.
Do you often wonder how budgets are set up? Have you looked at your personnel budgets and wonder why you over spend or even hope you have enough funds to cover who your department pays? Have you had to pay for an employee from another State Agency? The best question of all, who handles this? This and more can be answered in this session. This round table will offer budget structure, dual employment guidance, position salary and budget connections and an array of other helpful tips!
In this session we discuss the differences between the General Ledger (GL) and the Commitment Control (KK) ledgers. We show when finance transactions are recorded in the various ledgers and how this affects reporting. To view the live recording of this presentation, click here.
The OSR Contract Closeout Report, found in InfoPorte on the OSR Financial Reporting Tab, is used to facilitate Award/Contract closeout systematically. This report will serve as a tool to ensure all OSR close out processing, status validation, and other reconciliation processes have been completed successfully.
This reference card explains the billing areas that send charges to the Customer Billing Management (CBM) and Bill Presentation system, as well as what the process for reconciling looks like. Includes charts to explain the fields on the forms.
When it comes to reports that show how an employee is funded, it’s not one-size-fits-all. ConnectCarolina and InfoPorte have a variety of reports that show funding information at each step in the payroll process. Each report gives a unique view of the information. With all of these different reports, how do you know which report to use and when? In this recorded webinar, we talk about which reports are best at each stage of the payroll funding process and why. You can also find the slides and the quick reference card for understanding reports related to employee funding on
When it comes to reports that show how an employee is funded, it’s not one-size-fits-all. ConnectCarolina and InfoPorte have a variety of reports that show funding information at each step in the payroll process. Each report gives a unique view of the information. With all of these different reports, how do you know which report to use and when? These slides accompany the recorded webinar and the quick reference card for understanding reports related to employee funding.
The chart on this page shows, at a high level, how the payroll process works and where in the process reports pull information from. The table on the back explains the reports listed on this page and when it’s helpful to use each one.
This webinar covers the steps for processing a change order request for a purchase order. The changes you can make include: reducing the quantity or amount on a PO line, reducing a PO line and requesting chartfield changes for all invoices going forward, increasing the quantity on a PO line, increasing a PO line and requesting chartfield changes for all invoices going forward, and liquidating the total PO amount.