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Resource Categories: Reporting
Version Date: October 24, 2018

The Research Administration Service Request (RASR) tool is a workflow tool developed by the Office of Research Information Systems to aid processing units in the receiving and processing of all types of transactions including but not limited to Vouchers, Journals, Travel, and Requisitions. In this presentation/demonstration, attendees would learn (1) how a client could use the RASR tool to submit (and later view) a request to a processing unit, (2) how an administrator would review/approve transactions at a pre-audit level, (3) how a processor would take information from RASR and enter the transaction/request in UNC FInance Systems and, (4) how the system communicates to UNC Finance Systems to automatically complete the request notifying the client of process completion. This tool provides increased transparency to clients, a worklist of action items to the processing unit, and valuable metrics to the leadership of the processing unit.

To just view the slides from this presentation, click here.