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Version Date: March 19, 2021

To see a report that’s older than one day in Report Manager, you first need to save the report search results You don’t need to follow these steps for reports created after 3/22/21, but if you need to view a report created before 3/22/21, we suggest you follow these steps to save your Report Manager search:

  1. Enter the number of days you want to search back in Report Manager.
  2. Click Refresh. Report Manager displays all reports run in that timeframe.
  3. Click the link for the name of the report to view the older report.

Result:  Report Manager shows a new pop-up message box, asking if you want to save the search parameters.

  1. Click the Yes button in the message box.

ConnectCarolina screenshot showing steps 1-4 listed above.

5. Click Save at the bottom of the Report Manager screen.

6. Click the link for the name of the report.

ConnectCarolina screenshot showing steps 5 and 6 above.