Keyword: Access
In early spring 2022, a group led by Mechelle Clayton, Interim AVC of Enterprise Applications, met to discuss ways to simplify the access request process. They started by asking for feedback from campus users, central offices, ARCs, and others so they could understand the pain points and used that feedback to identify requirements and set priorities for changes to the current process and tools. Some of the pain points raised are: Security Roles: There are too many security roles, and descriptions are unclear. Combine roles into groups for easier selection and maintenance. Manual Processes: Current processes are manual. Paper forms and keying data into the system is time-consuming and often lead to errors and missing or conflicting information. Automating assignment of security access for new employees, employee terminations, and employee transfers into new positions would speed up the processes and result in cleaner role assignments. Documentation and Training: There is confusion about how to sign up for training and where to find help documentation. Navigation and Tracking: Access Resource Coordinators (ARCs)across Finance, HR/Payroll, Student Administration, and departments use different approaches for managing access requests. It’s difficult to track when an employee has completed the mandatory training, and it isn’t easy … Read more
This Quick Reference Card provides instructions for viewing the receiving and invoicing activity associated with your Purchase Order using the Activity Summary page in ConnectCarolina.
This guide provides detailed information on being an Access Request Coordinator (ARC). ARCs enter requests for access to ConnectCarolina and some companion systems such as Web Travel and PeopleAdmin. The guide includes step-by-step instructions for: entering and submitting access requests, retracting and deleting requests. sharing a request. working with file attachments in the access requests. generating reports on access requests. checking the status of a request.
Instructions for Guest ID creation for former employees of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Former employees who no longer have an active Onyen and wish to view W2 and other data can now sign up for guest access to ConnectCarolina.
Part of a series of self-paced courses that covers available tools in InfoPorte.
Part of a series of self-paced courses that covers available tools in InfoPorte.
This self-paced course explains what ConnectCarolina is, how to sign on and off and manage your session, how employee roles determine system access and how to secure your session.