Keyword: adjustments
Salary projections are estimates of the amount of salary and fringe expenses you can expect to pay for an employee in the future, for a specific time period. This document explains how salary projections are calculated for employees based on the employee group, funding sources, and end dates.
This is a recording of a webinar on the Payroll Accounting Report.
This self-paced course covers the steps you’ll need to take to gain access to GradStar and the different types of financial aid awards. You’ll learn how to view a student’s record in GradStar, mark a student as eligible to receive an award and enter multiple types of awards in the system.
This self-paced course explains the difference between deleting and inactivating a GradStar award. It also covers the steps you’ll need to take to change a student’s estimated billing units and funding percentage and how to split a student’s award between two departments.
This self-paced course covers how to access and run the following PAAT reports: Review Pending Transactions; Current Suspense Charges; and Labor Expense Summary.
A guide to using the Payroll Accounting Adjustment Tool (PAAT), including how to enter and manage payroll adjustment and how to run PAAT reports.
Webinar held to introduce PAAT the day before it went live. Provides an overview of the tool and best practices.
This Quick Reference Card contains the top 10 tips for entering campus vouchers, including entering invoice numbers, choosing the vendor’s location, adding notes & instructions or supporting documentation, using Speed Charts, UNC Item ID, and Category as well as information on troubleshooting errors and analyzing approvals.
A webinar about changes to the Campus Vendor Request system coming early 2016. Includes information about the new Affiliate vendor class as well as information on what changes can be made to each vendor class.
This Student Guide accompanies the Campus Journals class. This class covers: The Campus Journal process Campus Journal transaction types, approval requirements, and attachment requirements How to enter a Campus Journal How to enter a Correcting Campus Journal How to edit and delete a Campus Journal Other transaction types including Settlement Journals, Cash Advance Journals, OSR Residual Transfer, and Interunit Journals.