Keyword: Business
This is the PDF Version of the Power Point presentation from the September 14, 2016 HR Liaison’s meeting. The topics covered were FLSA, TIM Upgrade, Multi-Sate Tax Initiative, Self Service for W4s and NC4s, and an update on 2-Step Verification.
A quick reference that addresses commonly asked questions and provides top tips for using BuyCarolina.
Slides from the Entering Source Chartfield Value Requests class.
Provides a high-level overview of how ConnectCarolina changes the way data is made available to departmental systems.
Step-by-step guide to deleting a campus voucher that you’ve created.
Common budget errors and their potential solutions.
The basics of using the ConnectCarolina system, including logging in, signing out, getting help, searching, using multiple windows, assigning favorites, and navigating.
A quick guide that explains how to choose the correct effective date on an ePAR.