Keyword: Chart
Explains the purpose and navigation of the GL Ledger Inquiry page in ConnectCarolina, which shows balances based on the GL Actuals ledger.
Explains the purpose and navigation of the GL Ledger Inquiry page in ConnectCarolina, which shows balances based on the GL Actuals ledger.
This self-paced course explains when transactions feed in to CBM, the reconciliation timeline, how to navigate to CBM, how to modify current charges, and how to work with chartfield strings in CBM.
This self-paced course explains the benefits of budgeting in ConnectCarolina, explains how budgeting works, reviews budget checking, and explains how this functionality impacts managing budgets at the University.
Provides two quick tips that can make entering chartfields in ePro and searching by SpeedChart easier and faster.
This self-paced course covers how to access and run the following PAAT reports: Review Pending Transactions; Current Suspense Charges; and Labor Expense Summary.
This self-paced course covers how to request new chartfield values, request a new Source, delete a Source request and deactivate a Source.
Student guide for the Purchase Requisitions and Receiving class. This document also contains useful information about searching by speedchart and for submitting invoices using the Vendor Invoice Submission Page (VISP).
Slides for the Reviewing Open Transactions demo.
This webinar covers tools and methods to identify open transactions.