Keyword: GradStar
This webinar covers topics such as how students receive money, accounts allowed and not allowed, and some scenarios of student awards paid by voucher. Due to a technical issue, this recording ends in the middle of the last slide. You can also find the slides for the webinar and the answers to the questions that were asked during the webinar posted on as well.
Beginning August 2021, changes will be made to the timing and method of some student award payments to ensure the University is compliant with federal and state regulations. Starting in 2020, a workgroup including members from The Graduate School, Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, University Finance (Accounts Payable, Cashier, Payroll), the Chancellor’s Office, Office of Sponsored Research and Information Technology Services took a comprehensive look at how financial aid payments are made, and they identified some changes that need to be made to ensure compliance. Tracking the payments Students at Carolina are involved in many types of activities and receive opportunities and payments from a variety of sources including federal or state aid, scholarships, training grants and awards. Most of these payments are considered financial aid, and as such, the sum of these payments should not exceed the cost of attendance for that student. If the financial aid a student receives exceeds their cost of attendance, the University is out of compliance. What’s considered financial aid? Any money paid to support a student’s academic progress is considered financial aid unless it is compensation for work performed, like being a teaching assistant or reimbursement of expenses for travel performed on behalf of the University. For example, … Read more
This self-paced course covers the steps you’ll need to take to gain access to GradStar and the different types of financial aid awards. You’ll learn how to view a student’s record in GradStar, mark a student as eligible to receive an award and enter multiple types of awards in the system.
This self-paced course explains the difference between deleting and inactivating a GradStar award. It also covers the steps you’ll need to take to change a student’s estimated billing units and funding percentage and how to split a student’s award between two departments.
Slides from the GradStar webinar.
This webinar covers two new error checks that have been put into the Gradstar system, and what you can do to prevent such errors. Going forward, Gradstar won’t be able to process entries with errors, which could affect whether recipients receive their awards.