Keyword: Makeover
On May 20, when students and staff logged in to ConnectCarolina, they found new home pages and a new way to get around in the system. Even the log in page was new and modern. The change to ConnectCarolina, dubbed the ConnectCarolina Makeover, was the culmination of months of work by the ConnectCarolina team to upgrade to the newest version of the software behind ConnectCarolina. The feedback we received immediately after the new look went live was that the makeover was well received. Janet Rupert, Director of Accounts Payable and Travel Services commented “We are running smoothly. Thank you so much for your time and energy in making this an easy transition.” Carol McDonnell, Associate Director at the Friday Center for Continuing Education, told the team “…Other navigation screens are definitely different (but better) for the tiles.” However, like most major software upgrades, it wasn’t without a few bumps in the road. The first few days saw some lagging performance, but the team worked with those who reported slowness and were able to make some changes to improve the performance. We also heard from those of you who use the Worklist tile that it wasn’t intuitive and caused a few … Read more