Keyword: Payroll
The Salary Funding Report shows the funding sources for an employee’s salary, per job at UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC-General Administration. It is a funding based report and does not display all job data activity. This report shows how much of an employee’s salary is allocated to each funding source. You can run the report to see what is currently being used to fund an employee as well as enter a specific date range to see what has historically been used. You can filter by selecting an employee’s Home (Job) department as well as a Funding department. You can narrow your search results by applying specific fund, source, and/or project ID numbers as well by employee type, position number, or employee PID number.
The Suspense Management Reports webinar demonstrates the importance of managing suspense particularly for Project Closeout, the Funding End Date Notification Report, the Suspense Analysis Report, and queries for managing open transactions for Project Closeout.
This procedure contains the steps for running the Suspense Analysis Report, which shows payroll charges already in suspense. The procedure also discusses the practices surrounding the management of suspense. The procedure also shows the report results, which include the chartfield string causing the charge to go to payroll suspense, and aging.
This is a procedure containing the steps for running the Funding End Date Notification Report, a report that shows current and future payroll suspense charges based on current funding. The procedure also describes the information found on the report results, including the reason for the suspense, the employee name, and the amount in suspense.
This is the PDF Version of the Power Point presentation from the September 14, 2016 HR Liaison’s meeting. The topics covered were FLSA, TIM Upgrade, Multi-Sate Tax Initiative, Self Service for W4s and NC4s, and an update on 2-Step Verification.
This Quick Reference Card provides instructions for viewing the status of any type of voucher in ConnectCarolina and provides steps for accessing a PO voucher.
This is a quick reference for helpful links for Student Originators. It includes links to the monthly payroll calendars, the stipend calculator, the protection of minors policy and information on PID creation for minors. Additionally, there’s a link to the tips for searching for ePARs.
This is a recording of a presentation made at the 2016 OSR Symposium. The presentation provides key information needed by people who manage contracts and grants, including: finding open requisitions, purchase orders, and unposted vouchers; finding voucher payments; finding sponsor payments; finding payroll accounting rows; finding cash balances; finding budget balances.
This quick reference accompanies the Useful Reports and Queries for Research Administrators presentation. This reference provides a list of reports discussed in the presentation, and where and how to access them.
This guide provides detailed information on being an Access Request Coordinator (ARC). ARCs enter requests for access to ConnectCarolina and some companion systems such as Web Travel and PeopleAdmin. The guide includes step-by-step instructions for: entering and submitting access requests, retracting and deleting requests. sharing a request. working with file attachments in the access requests. generating reports on access requests. checking the status of a request.