Keyword: Reconcile
This self-paced course covers how to access and run the following PAAT reports: Review Pending Transactions; Current Suspense Charges; and Labor Expense Summary.
Handout providing an introduction to reconciling in InfoPorte with information on how to view balances and reconcile transactions.
These slides were used withe the “7 Key Concepts” webinar. The webinar covers these concepts: Most transactions go through 5 basic steps. Vouchers manage payments in ConnectCarolina. Information about budgets is tracked separately from information about actual transactions. Once a transaction is budget-checked, you see it in InfoPorte. Unposted GL journals are deleted at month end. Our new accounting method is called the accrual method. Unposted vouchers are rolled forward at the end of the month.
This recorded webinar captured a Finance User Group meeting. This meeting covered 7 key concepts: Most transactions go through 5 basic steps. Vouchers manage payments in ConnectCarolina. Information about budgets is tracked separately from information about actual transactions. Once a transaction is budget-checked, you see it in InfoPorte. Unposted GL journals are deleted at month end. Our new accounting method is called the accrual method. Unposted vouchers are rolled forward at the end of the month.
Part of a series of self-paced courses that introduces the basic concepts for InfoPorte users.
Slides for the Financial Reporting with InfoPorte class.
This handout explain the new ability to use percentages or dollar amounts when entering information on the funding grid in an ePAR.
This PowerPoint Presentation accompanies the Banking class. This course covers bank reconciliation, bank transfers, wire transfers, and memo bank balancing.
This self-paced course covers how approvers can use the P-Card system to modify existing line level detail and charge a transaction to a different chartfield string besides the card’s default string. It also covers how to approve, reject and save transactions.
Explains changes to the funding grid in ePAR forms that make it possible to enter funding information either as percentages or dollar amounts.