Keyword: supplier
These are the slides to webinar that explains the supplier portal pilot that begins March 9, 2020.
This webinar explains the supplier portal pilot that begins March 9, 2020.
This document covers the changes that are being made to the Vendor Invoice Submission Page (VISP) on March 21, 2019. You can find out more information about using VISP in the Purchase Requisitions and Receiving Guide.
This quick reference card provides the steps to request changes to a supplier’s address and payment methods.
The guide for using BuyCarolina to purchase items from companies like Staples and Fisher Scientific.
This quick reference guide describes how suppliers are classified and provides the appropriate procedures for requesting changes to a supplier’s information.
This guide is used for the class called, Requesting Suppliers and Independent Contractors. This guide covers how to: request a new supplier and a new independent contractor request changes to how a supplier or independent contractor is set up work with foreign suppliers and wire transfers complete the New Independent Contractor Predetermination Process