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This guide is used in the Creating Campus Vouchers class. This guide explains how to use the Campus Voucher option in ConnectCarolina to make payments (including to independent contractors), to enter credits, to replenish petty cash, to have checks cut, and to make cash advances. The guide also explains how to create reusable templates for campus vouchers along with how to use those templates to create campus vouchers and how to modify the templates. It also explains how to use the Voucher Inquiry option to see completed and in-process vouchers. This guide also touches briefly on how to find vouchers in InfoPorte reports.
These slides accompany the Purchase Requisitions and Receiving training.
The Curriculum Inventory Management system, aka “CIM” (pronounced “Kim”), is the University’s new tool for submitting and reviewing course proposals. CIM integrates with both the University Catalog and ConnectCarolina. This session will take a closer look at the course form, workflow, and the approval process. We will discuss new features available in CIM including request rollbacks, reporting, and course number changes. Additionally, this session will highlight advanced features that will be available in future years, including parallel workflows and voting tools for department-level curriculum committees. Learn more about CIM so that you can promote this new tool to your faculty and staff. To just view the slides from this presentation, click here.
The Curriculum Inventory Management system, aka “CIM” (pronounced “Kim”), is the University’s new tool for submitting and reviewing course proposals. CIM integrates with both the University Catalog and ConnectCarolina. This session will take a closer look at the course form, workflow, and the approval process. We will discuss new features available in CIM including request rollbacks, reporting, and course number changes. Additionally, this session will highlight advanced features that will be available in future years, including parallel workflows and voting tools for department-level curriculum committees. Learn more about CIM so that you can promote this new tool to your faculty and staff. To view the live recording of this presentation, click here.
Campus billing areas, like Student Stores, EHS, Friday Center and the Carolina Inn, use the Customer Billing Management (CBM) system to charge campus customers, and the campus financial staff use CBM to review those charges. Come to this session to ask a panel questions about CBM, Bill Presentation, or about billing processes to include enhancement recommendations or how-to questions. Representatives from ITS-Enterprise Applications and Finance & Operation Service Center of Excellence are participating. To just view the slides from this presentation, click here.
Campus billing areas, like Student Stores, EHS, Friday Center and the Carolina Inn, use the Customer Billing Management (CBM) system to charge campus customers, and the campus financial staff use CBM to review those charges. Come to this session to ask a panel questions about CBM, Bill Presentation, or about billing processes to include enhancement recommendations or how-to questions. Representatives from ITS-Enterprise Applications and Finance & Operation Service Center of Excellence are participating. To view the live recording of this presentation, click here.
Email Communication Send Date: December 6, 2021 From: UNC Human Resources To: ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll Users Subject: News Click to view ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll Update – December 2021 The links in this email were active on the send date. Topics Background Checks Updates Full Position Management Retroactive Pay HR/Payroll Dashboard Updates ConnectCarolina Tips ePAR Status and Payroll Lockout TIM Tip for SHRA Students Student Processing Tips and Reminders Fixed Term Faculty Reappointments Reminders Upcoming 2021 Payroll Schedules HR Email Communications Have you checked your junk folder lately.
This quick reference card explains what a term code is and the pattern that these codes follow for identifying a term.
Step-by-step guide to deleting a campus voucher that you’ve created.
This session will define RNF, discuss the implications when using RNF, as well as how to process RNF through ePars. Recommended audience: anyone who processes ePar transactions for Postdocs/Clinical Fellows (Hire/Edit Existing Job/Fund Swap); PAAT users who want to understand more about RNF (session will not address PAAT transactions specifically). To view the live recording of this presentation, click here.
This session will define RNF, discuss the implications when using RNF, as well as how to process RNF through ePars. Recommended audience: anyone who processes ePar transactions for Postdocs/Clinical Fellows (Hire/Edit Existing Job/Fund Swap); PAAT users who want to understand more about RNF (session will not address PAAT transactions specifically). To just view the slides from this presentation, click here.
Provides a high-level overview of how ConnectCarolina changes the way data is made available to departmental systems.
To prepare for the new travel & expense system, Concur, we are making changes to the Departmental Workflow page in ConnectCarolina so you can assign approvers. is the place to go when you’re having an “It’s broken” or “I need something” moment at work. The support team is always ready to help, and they can point you to self-help resources or work through your help ticket. If you’re not familiar with the site, this two minute video will show you four different ways to get help
If you missed the webinar on the Independent Contractor Speaker Form, you can watch the recording to learn about the new simplified process for requesting speakers who’ll only be working for one day or less. The webinar also covers how to fill out the form to request one day speakers, when you can and can’t use the simplified form, and a Q&A with independent contractor experts from Accounts Payable. You can go to to launch the recording or click the image on the left.
A few changes to how you enter vouchers went into effect on Friday, February 21. If you missed the webinar about what to expect, you can watch the recording. Learn about how to use the Payment Method and Address fields and listen to a Q&A with voucher experts from Accounts Payable. You can go to to launch the recording or click the image on the right.
Time to Enter Grades! Check the graphic below to find out how to find your grade rosters in ConnectCarolina from either the Faculty Center or the Student Administration left menu options. Click here for detailed instructions for entering grades. Remember that you do have the option to upload all course grades at the same time from Sakai or another program. Visit for links to instructions. Lastly, you won’t be able to add or view grades in ConnectCarolina from 10:00 pm on Saturday, 12/8 until 8:00 am on Sunday, 12/9 due to an outage for a software upgrade. Information | Questions | Training | Subscribe | ConnectCarolina Newsletter Help | | 962-HELP
The Internal Revenue Service released a new Federal Form W-4 Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate (federal W-4 form) effective January 1, 2020, and the 2020 form is very different from previous versions. The IRS is not requiring all employees to complete the new form, but certain employees will be required to use the new form: those hired in 2020 and anyone who makes federal tax withholding changes after January 1, 2020. The Payroll Office announced the update to ConnectCarolina Self Service on January 13, 2020 and recently responded to employee questions in a March 12 email. Go to the Finance website to read the email that addresses the following topics: How to View your current W-4 settings How to Adjust your W-4 “extra withholding” amount in Step 4C for 2020 How to Update your 2020 W-4 “Step 3: Claim Dependents” section Assistance with completing the 2020 federal W-4 form
You may have heard about the student Enrollment Confirmation change in place for Spring Semester. To meet federal regulations, students need to go to ConnectCarolina to confirm their active participation in each of their classes. If you work with students, please encourage them to confirm enrollment in all their classes to help the University meet the federal regulations. To learn more about why students need to confirm enrollment, read the Enrollment Confirmation Frequently Asked Questions document on the University Registrar’s web page. For more information on ConnectCarolina changes for students and those who work with student data, refer to the email sent in December, Four New Pages for Student Admin Staff.
FORMAL NOTICE You are receiving this email because you are an employee of the University. December “To Do” List Double-Check Your Home Address for Tax Forms Your home address is where the University sends your printed tax forms and benefits correspondence. Please take a minute to double-check your home address in the campus directory and update it if needed. To do that, sign in to ConnectCarolina, click Home, then Self Service, then Update Personal Information. Scroll down to the blue bar that says “Addresses” and then to “HOME”. If you make changes, be sure to click Save at the bottom of the page. New for 2018! Opt Out of a Printed a W-2 You can choose to opt out of receiving a paper W-2 form and instead download an electronic copy from the ConnectCarolina Self-Service menu when W-2s are released. In ConnectCarolina, click Home, then Self Service, then W-2/W2c Consent. Follow the instructions on the screen to stop receiving printed W-2s. For more information on W-2 FAQs and forms, please visit the tax forms webpage
The automated message that alerts you that you’ve received a reimbursement has been revamped to address phishing and security concerns. When you receive a reimbursement, you will be able to easily identify that the message is from a friendly and recognizable source. The new messages for reimbursements started Friday, November 3. What to expect The new message features changes to help you recognize the message as official University business: The message is now from “UNC-Chapel Hill Disbursement Services” instead of “Procurement Internal,” a generic account that was formerly used to send such notifications. The subject line of the message is now “Payment Notification” instead of “Payment Advice Notification.” The message includes clearer language regarding the payment and attached file; The closing signature of the message includes more extensive information, including a contact email address for Disbursement Services. Community Input The improvements to the message are a direct result of feedback from the University community. Continued partnership with and support from the community are critical as work continues to move automated messages more in line with security best practices.
This quick reference card covers how to edit and resubmit a deposit that has been rejected by the Cashier’s Office.
Answers to your most common and in-depth Employee Funding FAQs are now available on Chris Lawless, the person on the other end of your most complex help tickets related to employee funding, hopes these answers will help you as you work through the complexities of paying employees. We hope you’ll explore the FAQ and have an “aha” moment. The FAQs are on a new Employee Funding home page which collects, in one place, all the training materials related to fund swaps, the Payroll Accounting Adjustment Tool (PAAT), payroll deadlines, and more. You may want to bookmark this new page if you work with employee funding, but don’t worry, Chris Lawless and the rest of the Commitment Accounting team are still just a help ticket away if you need them.
This user guide will show employees how to submit and view leave attachments in ConnectCarolina. This includes leave request forms, medical certifications, and more. The UNC Leave Administration team created this online submission format to make leave submissions simpler and more consistent. Click the title slide to view the Employee User Guide
In an effort to streamline the sources of financial data for sponsored projects, plans are in place to decommission the PI Dashboard in Infoporte effective January 10, 2023. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Information Technology Systems (ITS) developed a more robust and detailed reporting tool for sponsored projects with the release of RAM Reports. RAM Reports provides both campus and central offices with the same view of financial data to improve transparency and streamline processes with sponsored projects’ financial monitoring and reporting. Any user with an active Onyen who annually accepts the Terms of use for University Administrative Systems Policy can access RAM Reports. Benefits of Using Enhanced RAM Reports The RAM Reports offer campus and central offices the same view of financial data currently on the PI Dashboard with improved functionality such as easy hyperlink access to related ConnectCarolina and RAMSeS data. Having one report to look at will improve transparency and streamline the processes involved in financial monitoring and reporting for contracts and grants. A few highlights of the RAM Reports: Intuitive and easy navigation to views of overall award information and transactions versus projects. The new Personnel Details view Offers several personnel reporting options, including projected salaries and access to expenditures for all individuals down to the specific transaction. Access to financial information at … Read more
On September 9, several enhancements were made to Research Administration Management (RAM) Reports to save you time and effort in managing financials for sponsored projects. The enhancements include: New Accounts Receivable (AR) Views with access to the AR reports are available from the Awards Summary page. A new Award “AR” tab includes links to your project invoices. The RAMSeS Billing tab has links that take you directly to attachments. There are direct links to the Voucher Summary Page in ConnectCarolina. The header view Award and Project Summary pages have formatting changes, including moving the award/project title to a separate line. You can now see Account category subtotals in the Financial Information layout. For more information, visit the Research Administration RAM Reports web page and click the Updates and the Reference Guide tabs.
You are receiving this message because you have access to the Payroll Accounting Adjustment Tool (PAAT) in ConnectCarolina. We are sending this message to let you know about enhancements to PAAT. Beginning on Thursday, January 31 after 7:00p.m., the following changes will be in place for PAAT: There is a new Pending GL status on the Pay Periods selection page. When you see this status, you won’t be able to select the paycheck for an adjustment. As soon as the original distribution of the paycheck has been sent to the General Ledger, the status will change to blank, allowing you to select the paycheck for an adjustment. Currently, if an employee is on disability, you can’t see the employee at all in PAAT. Going forward, you’ll be able to see the employee and pay periods in which the employee wasn’t on disability. Pay periods in which the employee was on disability still won’t show in PAAT. If you believe an adjustment needs to be made to a pay period you can’t see, you’ll need to submit a help request. ConnectCarolina PAAT Administrators will now be able to recycle fully-approved PAAT transactions if an error is found and the action can be caught in time before the PAAT distribution. … Read more
Over the last several months, more than 1,600 faculty members started using the new Faculty Portal in ConnectCarolina. The Faculty Portal is a new home page that makes it easier to find teaching and research information.
Student guide for the Entering a Petty Cash Voucher to Replenish Funds class.
Student guide to the course on Entering a Retroactive Funding Swap.