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There will be two separate outages on Thursday, November 16th in the early morning and again in the evening.

The first outage impacts the Student Administration (Campus Solutions) portion of ConnectCarolina from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM.  This brief outage is to make a database change recommended by Oracle to address performance issues.

Impacted Services:  Campus Solutions, CS Cybermation job stream, HCM ePAR forms, Finance campus vendor, Guest ID creation, Onyen and Guest ID password resets, Hospital load, Affiliate Request and Friday Center PID create.

The evening outage involves InfoPorte.  There will be a brief outage of InfoPorte this Thursday evening from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM to upgrade InfoPorte to release 7.1.  For more information on the changes, please click InfoPorte 7.1 Release Notes.


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