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Take me directly to:  HR Reports  •  Payroll Reports

Report & MenuDescriptionWhat Does It Help Me Do?Available Training
HR ReportsBack to top ^
HR > Employees
  • Shows detailed information about employee jobs and individual employees.
  • Lets you filter by department, pay status, HR status, name, PID, and other information. Additional filters, such as gender and tenure status are available in the Bio-Demo and Incumbent search areas.
  • Lets you see more information by clicking on an employee’s name.
  • See employee information for your direct reports.
  • See the chartfield string used for an employee’s pay.
  • Export employee information to Excel, including basic employee information as well as bio-demo, job, and funding information.

HR > Positions
  • Shows detailed information about both filled and vacant positions.
  • Lets you filter by department, position status, position number, job code, and other information. The Advanced search provides additional filters, such as vacancy status.
  • Lets you see more information by clicking on the position number.
  • Search for vacant positions in your department.
  • See which chartfield strings are funding a position.
  • Export position information to Excel.

TarHeel Reports:
HR > Affiliate
  • The Affiliate Report shows information on all active affiliates or affiliates who were terminated within the last year
  • This report helps with tracking all active affiliates or affiliates terminated in the last year. This report also makes it easier to track start and end dates for affiliates, so that originators can end or extend University affiliations (such as One Card access and email aliases).
TarHeel Reports:

HR > Employee Data > Employees
  • Shows detailed information about employees including important dates.
  • Lets you filter by department, HR status, name, PID, and other information.
  • See employee information.
  • See important dates such as an employee's expected end date.
TarHeel Reports:
HR > Employee Data > Hires
  • Shows a list of hiring actions for employees.
    Note: Choose one or more actions and one or more action reasons to create a Hire Report.
  • Lets you select a specific time period for the report.
  • Note: TarHeel Reports has information about hires entered in ConnectCarolina since October 1, 2014.
  • Create a list of employees hired within a time period since October 1, 2014.
TarHeel Reports:

HR > General > Gender & Ethnicity Profile
  • Provides summary information on employee gender and ethnicity.
  • Lets you filter by HR status, primary job, job function, and other information.
  • Note: Ethnicity is based on the Current IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Information System).
  • Pull diversity information for a specific department..
  • Gather information when applying for contracts and grants.
TarHeel Reports:

HR > Hiring > Salary Alignment
  • Shows FTE salary for employees.
  • Provides market rates and ranges for SHRA and EHRA non-faculty positions.
  • Lets you filter by employee ID, name, HR status, job code, and other information.
  • Ensure the salary offered to a candidate does not create equity issues.
  • Create a salary report to use during the annual raise process.
TarHeel Reports:

HR > Hiring > State Funded Position Vacancy
  • Provides a report on state-funded vacancies for positions and appointments.
  • Summarizes vacancies by budget and purpose code.
  • Let's you filter to show positions open for six months or longer.
  • Note: The State fund range for UNCCH is 20101-22193. The State fund range for UNCGA is 10100-15199.
  • Create a list of positions and appointments funded by the State that are currently vacant.
TarHeel Reports:

HR > Payroll/Compensation > Labor Expense Summary
  • Shows the funding sources of labor expenses, by summary and detail
  • Summary tab shows expenses by department
  • Detail tab breaks out expenses by employee
  • Detail Codes tab shows expense broken out by earnings, deductions, and taxes
  • Review the funding sources of your labor expenses
  • Check a specific pay cycle distribution for an employee
Payroll ReportsBack to top ^

HR > Payroll > Earnings Distribution
  • Shows payroll information for each employee by chartfield string, with a separate line for each earnings code, employer deduction, and employer tax.
  • Lets you filter by a range of pay dates, as well as by project, program, fund, source, department or employee. Advanced filters let you search for a specific pay period, account, or funding department.
  • See detailed payroll information for prior pay periods for a group of employees or for an individual employee.
  • Individually see different types of earnings codes, employer deductions, and employer taxes.

HR > Payroll > Prelim Report
(formerly called the Check Register)
  • Shows earnings and employee deductions.
  • Lets you validate employees’ paycheck information prior to confirmation.
  • Shows employee’s gross earnings for all earnings codes in the Earnings field.
  • Shows the sum of the employee’s deductions for FICA, federal, and state taxes in the Total Taxes field.
  • Shows the sum of all other deductions from the employee’s pay in the Total Deducts field.
  • Note: During the payroll lockout, the Chk Status field shows as Prelim, and the Chk # and Form ID fields are blank.
    After payroll is confirmed, the Chk Status field shows as Finalized, and the report shows values in the Chk # and Form ID fields.
  • Ensure a new employee will receive his or her first check.
  • Ensure an employee’s paycheck is calculated correctly.


HR > Payroll > Summarized Payroll
  • Shows payroll information for each employee summarized by funding source and employee.
  • Lets you filter by a range of pay dates, department, or employee.
  • See summarized payroll information for prior pay periods for a group of employees or for an individual employee.
  • See summarized information for different types of earnings codes, employer deductions, and employer taxes.
  • Determine the total number of employees being paid on a particular chartfield.

ConnectCarolina: Pending Transactions Report

Main Menu > HR/Payroll Menu > Payroll Acct Adj. Tool (PAAT) > Review Pending
  • Shows a list of all pending PAAT transactions for a department or school
  • Includes those with In Progress and Needs Approval statuses
  • Each transaction listed has a link to the adjustment.
  • Check the approval status of PAAT transactions

ConnectCarolina: Suspense Transaction Report

Main Menu > HR/Payroll Menu > Payroll Acct Adj. Tool (PAAT) > Current Suspense
  • Shows a list of charges for a department or school that have gone to the suspense account, broken down by employee and pay period
  • Check an employee’s payroll that is sitting in your suspense account

Key Terms

Bio-Demo Information
  • Basic information about a person, such as name, address, email, phone number, gender, and ethnicity.

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