This page contains information to help finance administrators use ConnectCarolina and InfoPorte to manage budgets.
Click the buttons below for more details:
Online Training: Understanding Budgeting in ConnectCarolina
This self-paced course will help you get started with budgets in ConnectCarolina.
Start the CourseCampus Budget Class
This student guide and slide deck accompany the Campus Budgets Class.
Open the Guide Open the SlidesOnline Training: Introduction to InfoPorte
This self-paced course explains what InfoPorte is and how to navigate in it.
Start the CourseChartfield Checker
Chartfield Checker is a tool that lets you check budget for a chartfield string.
Open the Chartfield CheckerChartfield Structure Booklet
This reference card explains the University’s chartfield structure.
Open the Reference CardFunds and Matching Source Ranges
This guide is a companion document to the Chartfield Structure booklet.
Open the GuideOnline Training: Understanding Ledgers
This self-paced course explains the difference between the General Ledger, actuals ledgers and the budget-related Commitment Control ledgers.
Start the CourseFinancial Reporting and Reconciliation Student Guide
This is the student guide for the Financial Reporting and Reconciliation class. It describes the different types of ledgers and explains fiscal year, accounting period, budget period, and how to find budget balances. It also describes how to use InfoPorte to reconcile.
Open the GuideFinancial Reporting and Reconciliation
This is the slide deck for the Financial Reporting and Reconciliation class.
Open the SlidesRecorded Webinar: Changes Are Coming to Budget Checking
This webinar explains the changes that are coming to the timing of when vouchers and purchase requisitions, including eProcurement orders, are budget checked and when they show up in InfoPorte.
Watch the WebinarViewing Budgets in InfoPorte
This guide explains which Fiscal year and Budget Period filters to select to see 2015, 2016, and 2017 budget amounts and balances.
Open the GuideOnline Training: Finding Transactions
This self-paced, two-part course describes how to find transactions such as purchase requests or departmental deposits in InfoPorte.
Start Part 1 Start Part 2Budget Inquiry
This reference card provides an overview of the budget inquiries available in ConnectCarolina.
Open the Reference CardOnline Training: Finding Budget Balances
This self-paced course describes how to find budget balances using InfoPorte and ConnectCarolina.
Start the CourseRunning a Project Budget Overview Inquiry
This self-paced course describes how to use the Budgets Overview option in ConnectCarolina to analyze expenses for grants and contracts.
Start the CourseInfoPorte: Reconciling Transactions
This three-part self-paced course describes how to use InfoPorte to reconcile transactions each month.
Start Part 1 Start Part 2 Start Part 3Reconciling In InfoPorte: Balances and Transactions
This guide provides an introduction to reconciliation in InfoPorte.
Open the GuideWhy Do My Balances Go Up and Down Throughout the Month?
This guide describes why budget balances change from day to day.
Open the GuideRecorded Webinar: New State Monthly Management Reports
This recorded webinar, accompanying guide, and webinar slides explain the new state monthly management reports. These reports will provide a snapshot to help with reconciling accounts in InfoPorte.
Watch the Webinar Open the Guide Open the SlidesWhy KK Ledgers and the GL Actuals Ledger May Not Equal
This reference card describes reasons why the Commitment Control (“KK”) ledgers may not equal the General Ledger Actuals ledger.
Open the Reference CardTransactions in Commitment Control (KK) Ledgers & GL Actuals Ledgers
This document illustrates when transactions appear in the Commitment Control ledgers and when they appear in the General Ledger Actuals ledgers.
Open the GuideOnline Training: Approving Budget Transactions
This self-paced course describes how to review and approve budget transactions if you are a designated approver for budget transactions.
Start the CourseFinance Reports Guide
This page on ccinfo.unc.edu lists and gives a brief description of each Finance report.
Open the PageFinance Queries Guide
This page on ccinfo.unc.edu lists and gives a brief description of each Finance query in ConnectCarolina.
Open the PageRecorded Webinar: Associated Budgets
This recorded webinar and accompanying slide deck explain how associated budgets work, when they apply, and how they affect your available balance.
Watch the Webinar Open the SlidesRecorded Webinar: F&A Formula Allocation Report
This recorded webinar and accompanying slide deck explain the components of F&A budget, the formula allocation, how to run the F&A Formula Allocation Report, and how to look up budget journals on the InfoPorte Transactions tab.
Watch the Webinar Open the SlidesUnderstanding your Formula Allocation Amount
This guide explains the components that comprise the amount of F&A budget a department receives each year.
Open the GuideBudgeting 101: UNCCH Ledger Group Matrix
For UNC-Chapel Hill: This guide provides a matrix of budget definitions and rulesets by fund type for FY 2018.
Open the GuideImporting Budget Journals or Budget Transfers
This guide provides details for importing a multi-line budget journal, or a multi-line budget transfer using an Excel flat file template.
Open the GuideSources for State and F&A Budgeting
This reference card lists the sources used for State and F&A budgeting for parent, child, and revenue budgets.
Open the Reference CardCommon Budget Check Exceptions
This reference card lists common exceptions you may encounter when budget checking and gives suggestions for resolving them.
Open the Reference CardWorking with Budget Errors and Warnings
This reference card describes how to fix common budget errors and warnings when working with ePAR forms.
Open the Reference CardOnline Training: Understanding ConnectCarolina Chartfields
This self-paced course explains the University’s chartfield structure.
Start the CourseBudgeting 101: UNCGA Ledger Group Matrix
For UNC General Administration: This guide provides a matrix of budget definitions and rulesets by fund type for FY 2018.
Open the GuideLoading Trust Budgets Guide
This guide provides an explanation of Trust sources and how to see balances in InfoPorte for Trusts with associated budgets.
Open the GuideViewing ConnectCarolina Cost Codes in InfoPorte
This self-paced course explains how to use ConnectCarolina cost codes while working with reports in InfoPorte.
Start the CourseAccounts for State Child Budgeting
This reference card lists account codes for budgeting on State child accounts.
Open the Reference CardAn important initiative that will simplify the tracking and controlling of budgets in ConnectCarolina will happen in time for the new fiscal year. This initiative will improve system performance, reduce complexity, and reduce the amount of data the system needs to manage.
If you only use the system for making purchases, such as placing ePro orders, you may notice that budget checking runs a little more quickly. If you use ConnectCarolina for more involved transactions and budgeting, you may notice a few more changes. You’ll also notice a new way to choose State, F&A, or Trust when you’re running reports in InfoPorte.
Read the memo to learn more.
Read about the changes in our news article.
Learn more about the Commitment Control Ledger Group Changes for Budget Period 2018 with these resources: Presentation slides | Reference | Webinar
Review the Commitment Control Tables Affected by the Redesign Spreadsheet
FAST Budget Ledger Changes Communication Finance Users | Central Office
Use the buttons below to get more information about how salary projections are calculated in ConnectCarolina.
Open the Reference Watch the Webinar Open the Slides