Resource Category: Student Admin
In early spring 2022, a group led by Mechelle Clayton, Interim AVC of Enterprise Applications, met to discuss ways to simplify the access request process. They started by asking for feedback from campus users, central offices, ARCs, and others so they could understand the pain points and used that feedback to identify requirements and set priorities for changes to the current process and tools. Some of the pain points raised are: Security Roles: There are too many security roles, and descriptions are unclear. Combine roles into groups for easier selection and maintenance. Manual Processes: Current processes are manual. Paper forms and keying data into the system is time-consuming and often lead to errors and missing or conflicting information. Automating assignment of security access for new employees, employee terminations, and employee transfers into new positions would speed up the processes and result in cleaner role assignments. Documentation and Training: There is confusion about how to sign up for training and where to find help documentation. Navigation and Tracking: Access Resource Coordinators (ARCs)across Finance, HR/Payroll, Student Administration, and departments use different approaches for managing access requests. It’s difficult to track when an employee has completed the mandatory training, and it isn’t easy … Read more
Double-Check Your Home Address for Tax Forms Your home address (not your mailing address) is where the University sends your printed tax forms (1098-T and W-2). Please take a minute to double-check your home address in the campus directory and update it if needed. To do that, sign in to ConnectCarolina and from the Self Service (employees) or the Student home page, click the Personal Information tile, and then the Addresses option on the left side of the Personal Information screen. Verify that your home address is correct and click the red pencil icon next to your home address if you need to make changes. If you make changes, be sure to click OK at the bottom of the Edit Address page, and then Save. Please update your home address prior to winter break to guarantee your tax forms are delivered to your desired address. Opt Out of Printed Tax Forms You can choose to opt out of printed W-2 and 1098-T forms and get them electronically only. Opt out of printed 1098-Ts: The IRS requires the University to issue Form 1098-T, “Tuition Payments Statement,” to each student by January 31. The 1098-T form helps you determine whether you are … Read more
This webinar covers topics such as how students receive money, accounts allowed and not allowed, and some scenarios of student awards paid by voucher. Due to a technical issue, this recording ends in the middle of the last slide. You can also find the slides for the webinar and the answers to the questions that were asked during the webinar posted on as well.
Faculty-student communication is key to an undergraduate’s success. One communication tool faculty can use is the Academic Progress Report (APR) system in ConnectCarolina. Recent system enhancements give instructors more opportunities to provide feedback to students on their performance. Newly available this Spring, instructors can provide report comments for students multiple times between the second and eleventh week of the Fall and Spring semesters. Previously, instructors could submit feedback once per student each semester. APRs are visible to students and to student support staff. The primary goals of APRs are to: provide feedback to students who are performing well and to students who may benefit from additional support. refer students to essential campus resources provide academic advisors and student support staff with actionable data so they can reach out to students sooner, improve support services, and reinforce positive feedback. The APR process starts when the instructor enters an APR in ConnectCarolina. This causes several things to happen, all designed to encourage the student to take action and help staff provide the best possible support: When an instructor submits an APR for a student, the system sends them an email the next day. Each APR comment is added to ConnectCarolina Advisor Notes where academic advisors can read them. Reports are also shared with other campus partners who collaborate to provide coordinated student support including reaching out to students and/or referring students to resources and services on campus. Instructors can submit two progress … Read more
Beginning August 2021, changes will be made to the timing and method of some student award payments to ensure the University is compliant with federal and state regulations. Starting in 2020, a workgroup including members from The Graduate School, Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, University Finance (Accounts Payable, Cashier, Payroll), the Chancellor’s Office, Office of Sponsored Research and Information Technology Services took a comprehensive look at how financial aid payments are made, and they identified some changes that need to be made to ensure compliance. Tracking the payments Students at Carolina are involved in many types of activities and receive opportunities and payments from a variety of sources including federal or state aid, scholarships, training grants and awards. Most of these payments are considered financial aid, and as such, the sum of these payments should not exceed the cost of attendance for that student. If the financial aid a student receives exceeds their cost of attendance, the University is out of compliance. What’s considered financial aid? Any money paid to support a student’s academic progress is considered financial aid unless it is compensation for work performed, like being a teaching assistant or reimbursement of expenses for travel performed on behalf of the University. For example, … Read more
It’s only been three months, but the start of the Fall 2020 semester seems like lightyears ago. The priority, then and now, is to maximize a safe and healthy environment for us to teach, work, learn and live in. Although the decision was made to move learning off-campus early in the Fall semester, the foundation was laid in ConnectCarolina to help staff manage information about COVID-related changes to the academic calendar, class schedules, course details and more. Last summer, the ConnectCarolina Student Administration team, led by Maribel Carrion, rose to meet the challenge of collecting, coding and providing updated information to students, faculty and staff. That included changes such as: a compressed academic calendar, longer instructional days to allow extra time for students to travel between on-campus classes, reassigning classrooms to meet COVID-19 capacity recommendations, and the addition of new ways for faculty to deliver instruction. ConnectCarolina, as the system of record for the University, is the place where all this updated information resides. Did you know that moving the Fall 2021 term start date from August 18 to August 10 led to nearly 11,000 updates to the start dates of classes? It also meant more than 40,000 updates to student records, because each class they registered for had to be updated with the date changes, and each time the mode of instruction changed. The team is now building on that foundation to prepare for Spring 2021 registration and the start of the semester. Here’s a behind-the-scenes peek at what the Student Administration team is working on. Updated the Modes of Instruction & Class Details page … Read more
“If I attend UNC, what Financial Aid package will I receive?” It’s a question that’s always remained unanswered for students and their families for a week, month or more after they receive their admission offer. That’s about to change thanks to a process improvement project led by The Office of Scholarships and Student Aid in collaboration with ITS Enterprise Applications. One of the primary objectives of the project is to make financial aid package information available to prospective students at the same time as they are offered admission. An equally important objective is to automate the processes for packaging financial aid as much as possible. Getting information for prospective students earlier, combined with automating routine work, will give the Enrollment and Scholarships and Student Aid staff more time to focus on their core mission: to help advise students and families so they can have a full Carolina experience and successfully complete graduation. The significant benefits of this project for the University were noted by Rachelle Feldman, Interim Vice Provost of Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions and Associate Provost for Scholarships and Student Aid: “I think this will be one of the most important and transformative technology projects, affecting students and student … Read more
This reference card explains how to use the Student Services Managers Facility Report in Tableau. This report, intended for Student Services Managers across campus, shows class information such as the room the class is schedule to meet in, if applicable, and the type of instruction.
This help document shows the pages and information that you can access in the Graduate Student Tracking Hub.
This quick reference card explains what a term code is and the pattern that these codes follow for identifying a term.