About ConnectCarolina
ConnectCarolina provides the University and UNC General Administration with an integrated system that supports effective business processes for Student Administration, Finance, Human Resources and Payroll.
ConnectCarolina Accomplishments
These documents list some of the key accomplishments achieved by the ConnectCarolina team since October 2014.
Campus Involvement
ConnectCarolina works on continuous improvements made possible by the involvement of hundreds of individual stakeholders and subject matter experts across campus to ensure that the needs of the entire community are addressed.
The ConnectCarolina Sponsors provide executive leadership, strategic direction and communicate project status at a senior level (e.g., Dean’s Council, Faculty Council, etc.).
The ConnectCarolina Stakeholders represent each of the affected functional areas and consult with appropriate personnel throughout the University as needed.
University experts from the affected campus offices serve as subject matter experts (SMEs). These experts guide the configuration of PeopleSoft for the University’s needs through a close working relationship with ITS functional and technical analysts and developers. The ConnectCarolina team is comprised of these SMEs and ITS personnel.
Advisory groups, with members drawn from all of the schools and many campus units, also guide the ConnectCarolina team as we work toward continuous improvement.