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If you order from ePro (such as Staples or Fisher Scientific), create purchase requisitions, or submit vouchers, we have some information you need to know.  Effective February 1, 2018, purchase requisitions, vouchers and ePro orders will not be deducted from your budget or show up as expenses until the voucher, ePro purchase or purchase requisition has been completely approved.  This change applies to

• campus vouchers,

• eProcurement orders, and

• purchase requisitions.

Why are we making this change? 

Currently, when you submit a voucher, the funds are reserved as soon as the voucher passes budget check. But sometimes the voucher or purchase requisition isn’t approved by your department, school/division, the Budget Office or OSR.  When that occurs, it can require a lot of work and time to release the reserved funds.  We are making this change to eliminate the work and delays associated with reversing these transactions and to ensure funds are encumbered correctly

Join the Webinar to Learn More

Want to know more about the changes and how they will affect your business operations?  Join us for a webinar on Wednesday, January 24 at 9:30 am(Originally scheduled for January 18th but rescheduled due to weather.) We’ll walk through the current process, show you what the future process looks like and answer any questions you have.

To join the webinar on January 24, go to you can go to the home page of and click the webinar link.

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