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The Faculty Portal, a new ConnectCarolina home page for faculty members, is currently being rolled out, school by school.  The Faculty Portal combines the teaching and research information faculty members use most onto the first page they see when they log in. From one page, faculty members can:

  • access their teaching schedules (which means fewer clicks to print class rosters, email students, create academic progress reports, and enter grades)
  • see the students who have incompletes in their classes
  • see financial information about their contracts and grants (on the new “PI Dashboard”)
  • see approval notifications from research applications such as RAMSeS and ecrt
  • find charging instructions for their salary (that is, funding sources for their salary)
  • access the most commonly-used links for teaching and research as well as as place faculty can add their own links to make the Faculty Portal even more useful.

Do You Work With Faculty?

Do you work with faculty? If so, you may be asked how the Faculty Portal works, and we want to make sure you have resources to answer that question. A quick-start guide, available on, details how to use the Faculty Portal.  A Faculty page on contains links to other documents faculty may find useful.

One thing to be aware of is that some faculty members can’t receive the Faculty Portal. That’s because they use options that can only be accessed by going through the Main Menu (which the Portal doesn’t have) or because they need to use accessibility resources.  Since the Faculty Portal makes ConnectCarolina easier to use, we are working towards the goal of all faculty members being able to use the Faculty Portal.

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