The comment that we hear most frequently on the ConnectCarolina and InfoPorte annual survey is that ConnectCarolina is challenging to navigate. Now that we are using the newest version of PeopleSoft (the software that is the foundation for ConnectCarolina), we can take advantage of a new look and feel that makes getting around in ConnectCarolina easier.
“Tiles” Allow You to Quickly Access Pages from Your Home Screen
The new navigation relies less on the menu and more on “tiles,” similar to the icons on your iPhone or Android phone. You can think of the tiles as buttons that let you quickly get to the options you need right from your home page. Depending on how much work you do in ConnectCarolina, you may even have more than one home page that you can switch between (one for HR work and one for Student Administration work, for example).
The ConnectCarolina team is hard at work designing the new look and feel, and we’re going to ask for your input. We’ll be holding focus groups and testing sessions, and we’ll even use this newsletter to reach out to you for your thoughts. So keep an eye out in the coming months for opportunities for input.