Each year, the ConnectCarolina team sends a survey to everyone who uses ConnectCarolina and InfoPorte. We heard from many of you that you’d like more information on independent contractors, so we talked with Yamaris Fontanez, an Independent Contractor Reviewer in Accounts Payable, to get some tips.
We’ll include additional tips in future newsletters, but to get you started, the next time you need to request an Independent Contractor, ask yourself these three questions:
1. Is the request for a domestic or foreign vendor? If the vendor is domestic, submit the request through ConnectCarolina. For foreign vendors, submit your documents to the independent contractor approver at ic_review@unc.edu.
2. Is a background check required? Typically, a background check is required and it’s valid for six months. However, the requirement is waived under certain circumstances. Independent Contractor policy information and answers to frequently asked questions.
3. Does the service fee exceed $10,000? If so, you’ll need to submit these additional documents: