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ConnectCarolina is moving to a more modern look on Monday, May 20. Faculty were first to get this new look with the Faculty Portal but now students and staff will also see modern tile-based screens that keep the most-used features easily available.

What’s New for Faculty?

Starting May 20, Faculty members will also have access to additional home pages depending on how they use ConnectCarolina. For example, they’ll have access to a Self Service home page to quickly access paycheck and benefits information.  It’s a simple click on a drop-down arrow to switch from one home page to another, and it’s easy to change which page they see first.

Available ConnectCarolina Home Pages

I.  Faculty Portal (All Faculty)

II.  SelfService (All Faculty)

‐        This home page is available to all employees, prior employees and affiliates.  It will include links to see paychecks and to commonly used sites such as TIM.

III.  Admin WorkCenter (All Faculty)

‐        This home page includes tiles tied to the administrative work faculty do in ConnectCarolina. For example, a faculty member who is an advisor will have a tile for the Student Administration WorkCenter.

IV.  Student (Faculty who are current or former UNC students)

‐        The student home page includes tiles and links to Student Center, financial information (amount due, financial aid), enrollment date and time, class schedule and personal profile.

V.  My Page (All Faculty)

‐      Faculty members can customize a page by selecting tiles from the library of tiles available to them, however, the information on the Faculty Portal can’t be pulled to a My Page home page.


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