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In our February 2020 newsletter, we told about the efforts made to simplify the process for requesting disability accommodations by moving the paper process online in ConnectCarolina. Making this process easier is especially important during these extraordinary times, as we make plans for employees to move back to campus for work.

The Roadmap for Fall of 2020 places the safety and well-being of the campus community as its highest priority and recognizes that some employees have health conditions that put them at higher risk if exposed to the COVID-19 virus. So, as we transition back to campus, we want to let you know of an additional accommodation resource that will move online in ConnectCarolina Self Service in early August.

The COVID-19 Accommodation Request online form is the first step an employee will take to request accommodations based on their own medical condition that puts them at high risk. Specifically, it will allow employees to seek accommodations if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Are at high risk for contracting COVID-19, based on CDC criteria;
  • Are at high risk of more severe complications if COVID-19 is contracted, based on CDC criteria; or
  • Are otherwise unable to work as assigned due to COVID-19 because of a physical or mental condition.

Completing the online form starts a confidential process to determine what reasonable accommodations the University can provide.  Accommodations may include options such as an altered work schedule, assignment to a remote work environment, or a changed office environment.  When it’s ready, you will find the form at: 

Self Service > Personal Information tile > COVID-19 Accommodation Request 

The University will provide legally approved accommodations through the Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) process. More information about this process and how it works is available at the EOC’s COVID-19 Accommodations webpage. 

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