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This summer, a big focus of the ConnectCarolina team is improving system performance. System performance refers to how fast a screen displays, data is returned, or a query or process runs. You can play a critical role in this effort. We’ve heard from you that system performance for some functionality is so poor that sometimes makes it difficult for you to get your work done. Alas, performance tends to be patchy—some things work acceptably and others are painfully slow. We have monitoring tools to help us investigate issues, but the first step in improving system performance is to get your feedback about the things you do in ConnectCarolina and InfoPorte that are really slow. A quick way to provide feedback is via this brief survey that id open today until Aug. 5 (NOTE: the survey is now closed). Please take 5 to 10 minutes to complete the survey which asks which parts of ConnectCarolina you use and the experiences you have had with system performance. The more specific information you can give, the more helpful it will be in resolving the performance issues. We will make good use of this information as we develop a plan to improve system performance. … Read more
Have you been checking your campus mail box for your Total Rewards Summary statement? ConnectCarolina is now the place to find the personalized information that shows how your paycheck is just one component of your compensation from the University. Self Service > My Benefits > Total Rewards Summary Your Total Rewards Summary, formerly called your “Total Compensation Statement,” shows your annual base salary, the amounts that UNC-Chapel Hill paid for each benefit, and the actual amounts you contributed. For 2019, you’ll see a six-month snapshot showing all amounts as of June 30, 2019. You can change the Rewards Period to show January–December 2018. Visit the Frequently Asked Questions to better understand each component of the Total Rewards Summary, then take a minute to review your information. If you have questions, contact Benefits Services in the Office of Human Resources at
If you’ve got 2 minutes, you can get up-to-speed on the upcoming ConnectCarolina Makeover (May 20). Click on the video link to learn what to expect. We’ll keep the information coming so look for additional videos and visit the ConnectCarolina Makeover page for the latest and greatest info.
Once a quarter, the change management team reviews all the feedback you have given on the computer-based training sessions. (These are the sessions available here.) We’ve learned, for example, that you like being able to take training any time and from anywhere and you’d like to see more training delivered this way. But we’ve also learned that there are a few improvements you’d like to see. One request we see often is for a printable version of the training to use for taking notes. We’ve finally found a way to provide those (our development tool doesn’t make it easy). The files aren’t pretty and they tend to be long, but for those of you who like to have a paper copy, they get the job done. Not all computer-based training sessions have them yet—more are being added each week. Other feedback we’ve received is that some of you experience problems with the sound, particularly when accessing a session through VPN. We think we’ve identified a fix, which will be implemented the night of February 17. If you still experience problems with the sound after that, we’d love to hear from you. Send an email to if you are experiencing problems … Read more
Your Paystub Has a New-Look Paystubs issued in October (Oct. 13 and Oct. 27 for biweekly pay dates, and Oct. 31 for monthly pay dates) will be in the new format that provides more information about earnings and deductions. A paystub preview, quick reference guide and informational memo are available online at FAQs and translated materials are also now posted!