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Email Communication

  • Send Date: July 23, 2021
  • From: ConnectCarolina Communications
  • To: Access Resource Coordinators
  • Subject: Updates to Finance Access Form with New Travel Options

Hello Access Request Coordinators,

We have updates for you about changes to the Finance ConnectCarolina and Related Applications Finance access form regarding:

  • Travel and Expense Card
  • Concur Travel System
  • Web Travel


Travel and Expense Card

We have added a new Section to request a Travel and Expense (T&E) Card.  The T&E Card Application needs to be included with every request for a new T&E Card.  The T&E Card Application does not include the Accountholder Agreement Form; this is different from the P-Card application.

Concur Travel System

The Concur Travel System section has been added to request any special access needed in the Concur Travel System.  User access is automatically created and does not need to be requested.  You only need to use this section if someone needs access beyond the typical user access. Use the space on the form to list the access that they need.

Web Travel

The Web Travel section has been updated to reflect that after August 3, Web Travel will only be used for Student and Guest travel.  Faculty and staff travel will be handled through Concur Travel.

You can find the new form on Click Get Access > Access Request Forms and download the current form. We recommend that you replace any copies of the form you’ve saved locally.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the updated form or the ARC process.

Thank you,

The ConnectCarolina Team

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