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The full position management project was successfully launched on October 11, in large part, because so many people did their part to prepare ahead of time.  Now, every employee has a position in our HR system, including some who weren’t previously in positions, like faculty.  Departments, Schools/Divisions, and the System Office can now see the organizational structure based on position numbers, whether or not there is a person in the position. Here’s a behind the scenes look at the work “by-the-numbers” with a special thanks to HR Representatives and HR Business Analysts and PeopleAdmin Applications Specialists whose work was the foundation of a successful launch.

18,482 Positions created for active employees who didn’t previously have a position.
32,111 Existing SHRA positions moved from paper forms into ConnectCarolina.
18,209 Updates to existing employee job information
24,848 Changes to the “Reports to” field so that every position is reported in organization structure, even if it’s vacant.
5,400,000 Dollars that would have gone into suspense without the work done by HR Representatives ahead of go-live.  In the end, only $105,276 went into suspense when HR Reps updated the information for 712 out of 732 compensated employee appointments.
10.5 Hours worked by each of the ConnectCarolina HR technical team and HR business analysts the weekend of October 8-10 to initiate, monitor and test the full position management data conversions.


The ConnectCarolina HR team is pushing ahead with full position management work to combine the Create a Position ePAR and Hire ePAR into a single process. For more information and additional resources, including FAQs, visit the CCinfo full position management web pages.

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