Keyword: EHRA
As of December 14, 2018 TIM Manager access in TIM has been expanded to include SHRA Exempt and EHRA Permanent leave accruing employees. TIM Managers are designated in the TIM Approver field in ConnectCarolina. Following the change to TIM Manager access, HR Representatives may need to update an employee’s TIM Approver field in ConnectCarolina with the correct manager. This sheet provides a quick reference for HR reps who may not be familiar with the process for viewing and updating the TIM Approver field.
This is the PDF Version of the Power Point presentation from the September 14, 2016 HR Liaison’s meeting. The topics covered were FLSA, TIM Upgrade, Multi-Sate Tax Initiative, Self Service for W4s and NC4s, and an update on 2-Step Verification.
Guide to EPA Student Short Work Break.
Guide for creating HR actions for students.
Part of a series of self-paced course covering fundamental actions for student originators.
Part of a series of self-paced course covering fundamental actions for student originators.
Part of a series of self-paced course covering fundamental actions for student originators.
Part of a series of self-paced course covering fundamental actions for student originators.
Slides from the March 6 User Group Meeting on Student Actions.
This reference card contains 13 tips for managing student hires, including working with expected job end dates, the importance of entering actions on time, using positions correctly, and taking care to choose the correct person when entering the hire. This reference card also contains a table of job codes for managing student hires.