Keyword: ConnectCarolina
This spreadsheet shows how object codes from the legacy system mapped to the ConnectCarolina account codes. The spreadsheet has three tabs: UNCCH Accounts, which lists the general ledger accounts that were loaded into ConnectCarolina for UNC-Chapel Hill. UNCGA Account, which lists all the general ledger accounts that were loaded into ConnectCarolina for UNC General Administration. All FRS Object Codes, which lists every object code and the ConnectCarolina account it mapped to. .
Specific Accounting Services requirements for importing journals into ConnectCarolina.
This webinar covers two new error checks that have been put into the Gradstar system, and what you can do to prevent such errors. Going forward, Gradstar won’t be able to process entries with errors, which could affect whether recipients receive their awards.
Provides step-by-step instructions for printing an ePAR form.
Part of a series of self-paced courses for HR Basic Originators.
Introduces the electronic Personnel Action Request (ePAR), the form used to enter all HR actions in ConnectCarolina.
This self-paced course explains what ConnectCarolina is, how to sign on and off and manage your session, how employee roles determine system access and how to secure your session.
This self-paced course covers topics such as accessing and navigating the system, working with Favorites, using search functions and working in multiple sessions.
The basics of using the ConnectCarolina system, including logging in, signing out, getting help, searching, using multiple windows, assigning favorites, and navigating.
A guide to common functionality, shortcuts, and navigation in ConnectCarolina.