Keyword: Voucher
This Quick Reference Card provides a brief overview of budget inquiries available in ConnectCarolina. Content includes how to confirm the available balance, determine if funds are available before requesting budget transfers, verify if funds were moved, investigate a budget check exception.
This PowerPoint Presentation accompanies the Banking class. This course covers bank reconciliation, bank transfers, wire transfers, and memo bank balancing.
This PowerPoint presentation accompanied the “Approving Financial Transactions” live demo. This presentation was intended for those who approve financial transactions in ConnectCarolina,including approving journal entries, purchase reqs, budget journals, deposits, independent contractor and vendor requests, and campus vouchers. This approval process is not used for Web Travel requests, which use the FRED approval system.
This self-paced course covers the uses of campus vouchers, the different approval levels and the requirements for each approval level.
This self-paced course explains who can approve campus journals, how to navigate to the campus journal approval page, and what information to review when approving campus journals.
A quick reference containing checklists on processing requisitions and processing vouchers for month-end and year-end.
Specific Accounting Services requirements for importing journals into ConnectCarolina.
The basics of using the ConnectCarolina system, including logging in, signing out, getting help, searching, using multiple windows, assigning favorites, and navigating.
A quick guide about approving Finance transactions, which transactions require approval, the approval workflow, and more.