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ConnectCarolina Makeover- What’s New for Faculty?

April 16, 2019

ConnectCarolina is moving to a more modern look on Monday, May 20. Faculty were first to get this new look with the Faculty Portal but now students and staff will also see modern tile-based screens that keep the most-used features easily available. What’s … Read more

You’ve Got to See This!

April 5, 2019

If you’ve got 2 minutes, you can get up-to-speed on the upcoming ConnectCarolina Makeover (May 20). Click on the video link to learn what to expect. We’ll keep the information coming so look for additional videos and visit the ConnectCarolina … Read more

Two Upcoming InfoPorte Outages – Supporting Data Growth

February 20, 2019

The InfoPorte team is preparing for and performing a hardware migration for InfoPorte. This improvement will increase the university’s capacity for data growth. The migration will interrupt InfoPorte services twice. InfoPorte will be unavailable: Friday, February 22 from 5:30 pm … Read more

Upcoming ConnectCarolina Outage

November 16, 2018

As with the previous upgrades of Student Administration and Human Resources applications, the move to the latest version of the Finance software requires a ConnectCarolina outage. There are some differences between this outage and the last two: The outage is … Read more

InfoPorte Update: Affiliates Report and Expected End Date Report

August 17, 2018

To: InfoPorte Users with Access to the Affiliates Report or the Expected End Date Report
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018
Subject: InfoPorte Updates

Hello InfoPorte Users,

Good news! For those of you that run the Affiliates report and the Expected End Date report in InfoPorte, you’ll notice a few helpful updates have been made today.

Upcoming Changes to InfoPorte Finance Reports

August 10, 2018

To: MOU Leads, business managers, RASG, Res_Info, InfoPorte Finance Users
Send Date: Thursday, August 9, 2018
Subject: Upcoming changes to InfoPorte Finance reports

Here are the financial report changes you will see in InfoPorte on Monday, August 13. As we’ve said in previous communications, there isn’t much you need to do before the changes go into the system. This email has updates on the following topics:

ConnectCarolina User Conference 2018 – Call for Proposals

July 19, 2018

The ConnectCarolina User Conference is seeking proposals for talks, workshops, and panel discussions on how people work in ConnectCarolina, InfoPorte and the other systems integrated with ConnectCarolina. Here’s a chance for you and your colleagues to showcase your work experience, … Read more

Reminder: Central Leave Pool Effective July 1, 2018

July 19, 2018

Until recently, when employees left the University, the last department they worked in was responsible for paying out unused vacation and bonus leave, even if the employee had only been with the department a short time. That’s recently changed. On July … Read more